August 01, 2016
generation speaks about uncertain times. Born in uncertainty, living in
uncertainty, we pass on in uncertainty. By living in uncertainty we bend
uncertainty to our will so that we can reach goals with a sense of fulfillment.
We live successfully by rising above our tensions. We can do this effectively
if we practice the art of mental and spiritual realization by forgiving.
We must forgive
others, with no sense of condemnation. A clean, clear slate-not forgiveness on
the installment plan. I love you today but cant stand the sight of you
tomorrow-that is not forgiveness. A difficult habit to learn, but worth
fighting for.
The next step
is forgiving yourself for your errors. Another difficult task, but you can do it.
Forget the blunders of yesterday and make it a habit to live fully today. To
err many be a human failing, but to forgive is a human achievement Shakespeare
said. “To forgive is divine” Still, who is asking you to be divine? Be human
and achieve your fulfillment as a human being.
keep to yourself, not with someone else. Trying to imitate others merely forces
you to play second fiddle. Remember, you can’t be someone else without tension.
Every day you must try to make your self-image grow; this you can do.
see yourself at your best. Stop concentrating on your worst. You are your most
wicked enemy when you torture yourself with feelings of frustration every day.
You are at your best when you practice confidence every day. You have a choice;
select wisely . Remember, you must forget yesterday through substitution;
thinking and working towards your personal goal. The more you think of reaching
your present goal, the less time you will have for the worries and heartaches
of yesterday.
author departs; he does not die.
refuse to grow old is the unmistakable sign of youth
from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
God. This very universe, awesome have seen, is the same Impersonal Being read
by our intellect. Whatever is reality in the universe is that Impersonal Being.
And the forms and conceptions are given to it by our intellects. Whatever is
real in this table is that Being, and the table from and all other forms are
given by our intellects.
motion for instance, which is a necessary adjunct of the phenomenal, cannot be
predicated of the Universal . Every little bit. Every atom inside the universe
is in a constant state of change and motion, but the universe as a whole is
unchangeable , because motion or change is a relative thing; we can only think
of something in motion in comparison with something in motion in comparison
with something which is not moving. There must be two thins in order to
understand motion. The whole mass of the universe, taken as a unite, cannot move.
In regard to what will it move? It cannot be said to change? So the whole is
the Absolute. But within it every particle is in a constant state of flux and
change. It is unchangeable and changeable at the same time. Impersonal and
Personal in one. This is our conception of the universe, of motion and of God,
and that is what is meant by “Thou art That” Thus we see that the Impersonal instead
of dong away with the personal, the Absolute instead of pulling down the
relative only explains it to the full satisfaction of out reason and heart. The
Personal God and all that exists in the universe are the same Impersonal Being
seen through our minds. When we shall be rid of our minds, our little personalities
, we shall become one with it. This is what is meant by “Thou art That” For we
must know our true nature, the Absolute.
if He exists?
I drive joy There was a
doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation
on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they
argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been
misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I
agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But if He exists? I am afraid you
are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a
lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
Illustrated live Reviews. 7th
heaven moment of the week in International champion league no 7 lucas got a
goal, and man city won on 7 goals , login in for more
for more.
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