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Monday, August 8, 2016

The moment That Stir Us

Monday, August 08, 2016

The moment That Stir Us

A beautiful experience that somebody shared and I would like to share with you all.
There are love tokens and there are tokens of love
Image result for humanity quoteI live I Indore, in India’s heartland. On our way back from an adjacent town, my friend and I stopped at a highway dhaba. Placing our order, we stretched ourselves out on the cane chairs. A motley group of people occupied other tables As we glanced around desultorily, a ragged man sauntered in and sat down. He purred himself a glass of water from the steel jug. He drank two whole glasses, but ordered no food. Nor did the dhaba boys ask him. When our tea and samosas arrived he looked at the food. Filled his glass again and drank it. We saw no greed I his eyes, but it was an easy guess, tha the guy was hungry and had no money.
The dhaba boy told us , “Oh! That madman comes in everyday. If he has money , he eats something , otherwise he just drinks a few glasses of water and leaves. My boss said that since water has been given to us by the Lord , we must never stop anyone drinking it at our dhaba”.
Image result for The moment That Stir Us quoteThis logic really touched me. I asked the boy to serve the man a plate of samosas. When he did so, the man looked at him. The boy pointed to us. The man looked at us but made no acknowledgement. As he picked up the first samosa, a little girl in rags walked up and just stood there. He gave her the samosa which she wolfed down. He picked up the second one and handed that to her, too She grabbed it and ran away . he pushed away his empty plate, filled up his glass again, drink the water and walked away from the dhaba without a backward glance.
I asked myself, if I were capable of a gesture like that. the most I could muster was, “ I hope so” If sharing what we have in excess is generosity then how would we describe what that madmen did? Selfless Love?
It is what intellectuals talk about and madmen practice.
From East and West series.

Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta

I am neither mind nor intellect, neither memory nor eg, I am not the senses of hearing or taste, of smell or sight. I am neither ether nor earth neither fire nor air. I am the absolute knowledge and bliss. I am the self all-pervading; I am the self all-pervading
I am the Self, changeless, formless and omnipresent I am beyond the touch of sense attachment I am beyond all bondage or relative knowledge I am the Self all-pervading. I am the Self all pervading.
Image result for humanity quoteSo long as the monist goes on with his denial and assertion, he has not yet risen to the experience of the Absolute He is still trying to remove the dream of multiplicity and to achieve awareness of Unity or the Absolute . after having attained to it, when he comes down to what may be termed the threshold that separates the super conscious experience of the Absolute from. The relative consciousness of the  world, and tries to describe his previous experience, he does so more in terms of negation than assertion.
Image result for humanity quoteAs the monistic goal is often misunderstood and misinterpreted, it is necessary to have a clear conception of it . Sankaracharya, the best authority on the system, sheds much light on is essential principle when he says “It is the wave that merges itself in the ocean, not the ocean in the wave. So , verily, O Lord , when all distinctions are removed, it is I that becomes absorbed in Thee, not Thou in me (Shatpadi) the waves as such can never become the ocean. Only by dissociating itself from the wave-form and participating in the nature of its true substance, namely, water, can the wave be merged in the ocean and be one with it. The finite can never become the infinite What appears to be finite is rally the Infinite. Self-realization is only the find of the eternal truth. The finite, by shedding its false sense of finitude, realizes its own essential nature as the Infinite. The Upanishads describe this process by means of very happy similes. “As pure water purred into poured water becomes the same “ says the Katha Upanishad, “ so does the Self of the sage who has known the All prefacing Being become That” courtesy essential of spiritual nature

But, if He exists? 
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
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