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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Cherish Good Memories.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Cherish Good Memories. 

Image result for cherish good memories quotesMemories can be interesting and inspiring  Our memories like everything else in life, are both positive and negative . the older we get the larger our memory banks become . we can review the contents of our memory banks and either energize ourselves and live a full life or put ourselves down.
Memories are also made up of our attitude and behavior. That is why it is important to watch what we feed into our memory banks. If we continue to focus on the positive, we will look back to situations that have been helpful for our growth. If we strengthen positive memories, we will remember all that challenges to maturity.
Memories need not only be those of beautiful nature. Blue skies, birds , trees, flowers in full bloom, quiet lakes and waves thundering against the seashore-all these memories seem to put us in a happy mood. Memoirs can also be corroded streets, overflowing waters. These memories might leave us cold indifferent to life.
The memories that ought to stay longer with us are those with experiences of love and compassion. We have keen memories of our life supporting systems and people we have interacted with those that have been instrumental in our growth.
Our daily interactions with people might expose us to those who have destructive traits . there are those who are violent and insist that only their view is right. It is these. Memories that we should try to overcome . if we do not give too much importance to them, they will not overpower us . ON the contrary, they could contribute to our growth.
Spiritually mature people are usually brimming with good memories. For them every challenge or difficulty has been a chance to learn. They have stored in their memory banks useful lessons from a variety of experiences. it a rose can bloom in the midst of so many thorns, why cant we too proper wherever we bloom?
We cannot escape the ups and down of life. But our memory banks can help us to remain balanced with a quiet contentment which is possible for steady minds.
Our experience of God is colored by memories. He takes away the pain of the past and the uncertainty of the present and the future like a true artist who paints in black and white, shade and shadow, darkness and light.
The memory state cannot be wiped absolutely clear. However , every memory can also bring us to a point where we begin to see ourselves in a new light.
Thus our memory banks could help us to steer ourselves towards safe waters and may help anchor us in tranquility. (courtesy Cosmo News)
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
Religion and Philosophy
Scholars sometimes raise the question: ‘Which is more important. Religion or Philosophy? Most of them thing philosophy is more important, for it is based on experience. You observe facts, then you begin to ask yourself why those facts happened, why they happened the way they did and what they signify. After weighing everything you reach certain conclusions and it is these conclusions which constitute what is called philosophy. Philosophy is therefore, objective and logical.
Philosophy is a system of rules and principles which try to explain the facts we observe. These rules and principles are all products of our own intellect, unless we recognize that thee is such a thing as divine agency which is supreme. It is on this matter of divine agency that philosophers divide into two groups, one group believing that there is a divine agency and this divine agency determines everything, and another group believing that the so-called divine agency is non –existent or if it exists at all, it is indifferent to what happens in the world. Scholars argue that the first group cannot be taken seriously, for whenever they are in difficulty, they take refuge in an unknown power called  God., But the position of the second group it still more vulnerable for their observation and reasoning , the bases of their stand, vary from person to person.
Scholars are, however, suspicious of the bona fides of religion, because they think that religion is belief. It cannot be taken seriously, for it does not explain, it only wants you to take thins for granted. How can you trust such a thing?
But religious people think that religion is also a science. it is not a belief, it is an experience open to all. Just as in the case of physical science, you have to fulfill certain conditions to arrive at a given result, similarly in the case of religion you have to fulfill certain conations in order that you can attain the desired experiences you have to have deep concentration of the mind. Work hard, and so on. More important, you have to have oral qualities like honesty, good will and love for all. Self-restraint and so on. You choose some great soul, say Buddha or Christ as your ideal, and you keep trying and you never stop till you succeed.

A religious man is not trying to attain anything outside: diamond, power, or position. He is only trying to be like the man he has chosen and his ideal. He knows it is not easy, but he finds joy in trying and he keeps trying. If religion includes belief, it is the belief that such a goal is worth trying to achieve. He may never be another Buddha or Christ, but the fact that he is trying to be like them is a reward in itself. There is no miracle in religion: there is instead hard work, determination, and single minded zeal. The goal of religion is perfection.
The difference between region and philosophy is that while religion achieves, philosophy explains. (Courtesy Vedanta in practice)

But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
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