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Monday, July 3, 2023

Maintaining Inner Equanimity in Spiritual Life

   Maintaining Inner Equanimity in Spiritual Life


  Importance of Not Getting Upset by External Factors in Spiritual Life

In the realm of spiritual life, it is crucial to avoid becoming distressed by external influences. People's words, behaviors, and various events have the potential to impact us significantly, eliciting emotions such as attachment, aversion, and fear. These emotional disturbances can disrupt our spiritual practices. Thus, it becomes essential to maintain an inner equilibrium amidst such external triggers.


  The Indispensable Nature of Inner Peace in Spiritual Practice

According to Sri Aurobindo, the initial step in one's spiritual journey is to establish a state of calm and tranquility within the mind. Without this settled peace, any experiences we encounter will remain transient and impermanent. It is within the silence of the mind that genuine consciousness can flourish, allowing us to construct a deeper connection with our spiritual essence.


  Understanding a Quiet Mind in Spiritual Life

Having a quiet mind does not imply a complete absence of thoughts or mental activity. Rather, it suggests that these thoughts and movements remain on the surface while we remain rooted in our true being, separate from their influence. In this state, we become observers rather than being carried away by our thoughts. We can discern, evaluate, and let go of thoughts that need to be discarded while embracing and adhering to those that hold true significance and genuine experiences.


  Observing Thoughts without Attachment or Aversion

By cultivating a quiet mind, we can observe our thoughts without becoming entangled in them. This detached observation allows us to witness the fluctuations of the mind without being swayed by their content. We become capable of discerning the true essence of our being, free from the grip of thoughts that may hinder our spiritual progress. With this clarity, we can consciously choose which thoughts to accept and retain while rejecting those that are inconsequential or untruthful.


  Embracing True Consciousness through Silence


Silence acts as a conduit through which true consciousness can be nurtured and expanded. When the mind is tranquil and receptive, it becomes a fertile ground for the growth of genuine spiritual awareness. In this state, the essence of our being can flourish, and we can connect more deeply with our higher self, unlocking profound insights and experiences.


 The Ever-Present Observer Within

A serene mind allows us to tap into the inherent observer within us. This observer remains separate from the transient thoughts and mental movements, providing us with a vantage point from which we can watch and evaluate them. By cultivating this inner observer, we gain the ability to discern the authenticity and value of our thoughts, enabling us to choose wisely and align ourselves with truth and consciousness.


  Striving for Inner Equanimity in Spiritual Practice

In the pursuit of spiritual growth, maintaining inner equanimity becomes paramount. By not allowing external factors to disrupt our peace, we can cultivate a steadfast and undisturbed state of mind. This inner equilibrium empowers us to navigate the challenges and distractions of the external world while staying connected to our spiritual path, leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the true nature of existence..


  The Guru: Elevating Spiritual Awareness and Bestowing Grace


The Profound Meaning of the Guru

In the English language, the term 'guru' lacks a precise equivalent. While a teacher imparts knowledge and a master specializes in a subject, the guru transcends the material realm and leads individuals towards spiritual enlightenment. Unlike a teacher who provides explanations, the guru enlightens. While a teacher introduces individuals to the external world, the guru directs their attention inward, guiding them to discover their true identity. In essence, a teacher reveals the multifaceted aspects of the world, while the guru bestows the vision to truly perceive, comprehend, and assimilate.


  The Guru's Role in Unveiling Inherent Knowledge

There is a misconception that the guru imparts knowledge. However, knowledge is not something that is given or received externally. From the moment of birth, humans possess inherent knowledge and the ability to discriminate between what is real and unreal. Yet, there are instances when this power of discrimination remains dormant due to the overshadowing influence of the mind, just as clouds obscure the sun. Similar to mistaking a rope for a snake while walking, a person's perception of objects is typically guided by their mind. However, when the guru reveals the object in a different light, the veil is lifted, enabling the individual to realize the knowledge they already possess.


  Grace and the Guru's Guidance

Even an extraordinarily talented or highly educated individual may feel the need for external assistance. This external push, known as grace, helps them fulfill their life's mission. Grace perpetually flows from the guru. It is not essential for the individual to actively seek out a guru, as the guru himself seeks out those who possess qualities of humility and devotion, gracing them with guidance.


  The Inner Guru and the External Guru

According to Ramana Maharshi, the Self, the reflection of Brahman, already exists within as the inner guru. Merely turning inward and contemplating is sufficient. However, since the mind tends to be outwardly focused, it responds more readily to external influences. Thus, the Self manifests externally in the form of a human guru, to which the mind readily responds. While the external guru creates conditions to direct the individual inward, the internal guru, the Self, prepares the ideal ground to guide them to the center. The guru exists both within and without, providing a push from the outside and exerting a pull from within to help the individual become centered.


  The Guru's Role as a Beacon of Perfection and Purity

The guru personifies perfection and purity. When a father and son bathed in the Ganges, the son questioned the purity of the river, stating that it accumulates impurities from the multitude of people bathing in it. The father replied that even renounced saints immerse themselves, and the mere touch of a saint purifies the entire body of water. The guru's presence has the transformative power to purify and uplift.


  Guru Purnima: Revering the Guiding Light

Guru Purnima, the birthday of Sage Ved Vyasa, is a significant occasion to express reverence to the guru. The guru leads us on the path of perfection, helping us reach higher goals in our spiritual journey. It is a time to honor and appreciate the profound guidance bestowed upon us by the guru, whose wisdom and influence enable us to transcend and grow.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the week in cwc Nepal won scoring 185/7   

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