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Monday, July 10, 2023

Discovering Serenity: Unveiling Inner Peace Amidst Life's Noise

 Discovering Serenity: Unveiling Inner Peace Amidst Life's Noise


In the midst of our bustling and chaotic world, the relentless noise that surrounds us only adds to our stress and turmoil. Just like tiny dust particles cling to our clothes, noise particles latch onto our minds, hearts, and even our very souls. To unlock the true essence of a fulfilled life, we must go beyond the pursuit of mere survival and learn to embrace the art of truly living. This art involves immersing ourselves in moments of profound enrichment, which in turn infuse our existence with renewed purpose and depth.


We must carve out precious time to immerse ourselves in the wisdom of exceptional books, allowing the profound thoughts of poets, philosophers, seers, and prophets to seep into our being. We need moments dedicated to the healing power of music, the kind that cleanses our souls from the burdens of everyday life. It is vital to prioritize and nurture friendships, cherishing the company of loved ones and fostering relationships with children, as they hold the key to rediscovering the kingdom of heaven residing within our own hearts. Laughter, too, must find its rightful place in our lives, liberating our spirits and filling our hearts with pure joy. Let us make time for travels that embark us on transformative journeys, where pilgrimages and festivals become gateways to solace and spiritual revelation. May we seek solace in nature's embrace, finding solace in the beauty of flowers, gardens, trees, birdsong, and awe-inspiring sunsets. Time must be devoted to love, both in giving and receiving, for it is love that stands as the paramount force in this vast world. Cherishing meaningful connections with others, we engage in the exchange of ideas, the interplay of personalities, and thereby contribute to the growth and progress of humankind.


Worship, in all its forms, deserves a special place in our lives, granting us access to the infinite wellspring of vitality emanating from the divine. Through this sacred connection, we become immersed in a state of abundant living that permeates every aspect of our existence. As we strive to make every moment glow with life, we echo the profound plea of Matthew Arnold: "Calm me, more calm me; let me not die before I have begun to live."


To achieve such serenity, we must gift ourselves the invaluable treasure of solitude—a time to be quiet and alone, turning our gaze inward. The timeless words of the Upanishads hold great significance: "The mind alone is the cause of man's bondage, yet it is also the instrument of his liberation." Within the embrace of silence, the mind finds stillness, mirroring the calm and clarity of a windless day on a tranquil lake. In the profound tranquillity of silence, the mind becomes a boundless source of indescribable joy and peace, and all tensions and stresses dissipate like morning dew beneath the warming rays of the rising sun.


Seated in silence, we can engage in prayer, deep meditation, and intimate conversations with the divine. For the divine is not a distant entity but ever-present, here and now. We can anchor our hopes and aspirations in the secure harbor of its embrace, where absolute peace reigns supreme.


In our quest for serenity, we uncover the transformative power of silence, the boundless richness of meaningful experiences, and the profound connection with the divine. By embracing these profound elements, we discover solace and harmony amidst the ceaseless clamor of our noisy world.


Awakening the Essence Within: Rediscovering Meaning in a Busy World


In the relentless pace of our ever-busy lives, we find ourselves immersed in a whirlwind of commotion. Setting goals, striving for success, experiencing triumphs and failures, celebrating happiness, and learning to navigate through sadness—we are constantly caught up in this journey. Yet, despite accumulating wealth, recognition, power, and fame, a hushed emptiness often resides within us.


But what is this emptiness, and how can we confront it? This void exists because our lives lack a deeper sense of purpose. If we reflect upon our existence from its inception to the present moment, we realize that we have been following unwritten scripts shaped by our interactions, family dynamics, societal norms, religious beliefs, and cultural influences. These frameworks permeate our thoughts, emotions, desires, preferences, and even our identities. They incessantly whisper in our inner realm, shaping our understanding of who we are, where we belong, what we should desire, and how we should live our lives.


Hypothetically, if we were to detach ourselves from our current context and immerse into entirely different circumstances, these scripts would shift, and our identity would undergo transformation. Our thoughts, feelings, goals, and aspirations would take a new shape. However, the emptiness would persist because our old conditionings would be replaced by new ones. Once again, we would find ourselves spending a lifetime pursuing trivial objectives without truly comprehending our authentic selves and our genuine desires.


The remedy to this intricate dilemma lies in dismantling our mental conditioning, unearthing our true essence, and allowing that profound inner wisdom to guide our lives. This calls for a profound self-inquiry. As Ramana Maharshi affirms, "When one persistently inquires into the nature of the mind, the mind will end, leaving the Self. The Self referred to here is the Atman. When other thoughts arise, one should not pursue them but inquire, 'To whom do they arise?' No matter how many thoughts emerge, diligently inquire, 'To whom has this thought arisen?' The answer that surfaces will be 'To me.' Then, if one asks, 'Who am I?' the mind will return to its source, and the thought that arose will become still. Through repeated practice in this manner, the mind will gain the ability to abide in its source."


As we delve deeper within ourselves, the narrow boundaries of our mind begin to dissolve, and we uncover our true essence while becoming attuned to the cosmic consciousness. In this transformative process, our life takes on new significance, and the former emptiness dissipates. Regardless of our age or stage in life, we have the power to revolutionize our existence by reevaluating who we truly are and embarking on a fresh start.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the week in Ashesh England won scoreing 254/7, Indian   won by 7 wk, and player of the match captain 7 , in cwc uae won by 7 wk  

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