Monday, 27th October 2014
Where is The Power?

So, do you see that
the difference between two people lies in their minds? One knows how to tap its
power and the other does not. So, the truth expressed here is that in the
depths of man’s mind lies hidden the miraculous power, using which one can
become great.
All Power is Within
All of you desire
success. Your parents wish to see you come out with FLYING COLOURS through the examinations. You want to secure a
rank within the first ten so that your further studies will be ensured. Your
heart is set on studying Medicine, Engineering , Law or Physical sciences.
Now , are you confident
that you will reach your goal? Do your have faith in your potential? Thinking
about this, very often, you doubt, you fear, you feel nervous and diffident.
You say ‘I do not feel confident. I don’t know why’
But the simple truth
is YOU CAN achieve your goal, if you have faith in yourself, if you analyse and
understand the capacity of you mind, you can shake mountains. There is
tremendous power laying hidden in your mind unutilised. The way to success is to
tap the power.
Courtesy value
oriented moral lessons
Quote from the True Charm and power of Vedanta
The Upanishads are
thus the perennial spring of strength and creativity, This creativity and
strength desire from their vision of man as the Atman, the eternal, infinite
dimension of the human personality, their theme is freedom of the human spirit
and their message is fearlessness and love and service. They summon men and
women everywhere to this mighty adventure of freedom and fearlessness, love and
service. They summon men and women everywhere to this mighty adventure of
freedom and fearlessness, love and service, and to the realization, by each man
or woman, of his or her essential spiritual nature, and the transcendence of
the limitations of finitude. They explain every great movement-social ,
political, or religious –nay the phenomena of life itself, as an expression of
the urge to freedom inherent in every organism-the struggle of the infinite
caught up in a cell or in a body. In a social
scheme or a political system, in
a religious dogma or a philosophical creed, in a texture of relations or the
network of relativity itself. Hence their constant summons to man is to wake up
and march on; Arise!Awake and stop not till the goal is reached! As conveyed by
Swami Vivekanada, adapting the powerful words of the Katha Upanishad.
Uttisthata Jagrta Parpay varan nibodhata
In chandoga Upanishad
we find a passage which symbolically expresses the idea of spiritual
drunkenness’ in whose waters are like nectar, and whosoever tastes thereof is
straightway drunk with joy; and beside that lake is a tree which yields the
juice of immortality.
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