Monday, 6th October 2014
Brighter side of things
Anand and Ranjit were eating black grapes . Anand remarked “Are not they
sweet?” “I guess so” replied Ranjit, “but they are full of seeds” They both
wandered into a garden and came across the roses . Anand with joy exclaimed
“Look at those big, beautiful pink roses ! the smell is just fantastic” Ranjit
turned round his head and said “Do not forget that the stem is full of thrones”
It was warm day. So they stopped at a store for a soft drink, After
several swallows . Ranjit complained. “My bottle is half empty already”. Anand
reacted. “Mine is still half full” Some of us are like the negative thinking
Ranjit. We tend to look at life through dark glasses. We find fault with
situations and people , not realising that the problem may be within us. We see
only the thrones and rarely notice the beautiful flowers . we complain and
grumble for little things, forgetting the many things that are good and lovely
for which we should be thankful.

Happiness and contentment can surely be our share if we cultivate the
habit of looking at the brighter side of things.
Our lives are influenced by colours
From the experiments made experts have discovered how deeply our lives
are influenced by colours. It has been found that colours can stimulate or
depress give us an appetite or make us ill, affect our thoughts, emotions and
Colours in your home, on your clothes and even the car, may be affecting
your working time. Your choice of colours can reveal whether you are happy ,
ambitious , optimistic and charming.
The colours you choose to
decorate your home could mean the difference between domestic chaos and
family harmony. Bright outgoing colours should never be used to the bedroom,.
It can create emotional conflict leading to angry outbursts and arguments . in
advertising and packing colours can make or break product.
On Book.
Book like friends should be few and well chosen.
Good book are food for youth.
Delight at old age, ornament or prosperity , refuge and comfort
during adversity, and reliable honest
helper and guide in all stage of life
Quote from the True Charm and power of Vedanta
Here the choosing is done by the seeker by means of an earnest longing
and struggle. This seeking and struggle on the part of man is essential,
according to every spiritual teaching. But it is only to drew the Grace of the
Atman, through a self-revelations; as we have seen earlier Sankarachaya
emphasis that essential of Divine Grace in commenting on the 1st
part of the verses.

This Upanishadic statement of the self-realisation of the Atman is
spiritually identical with the idea of Divine Grace upheld by religious centred
in a personal God. And Vedanta holds further, as reaffirmed in our time by Sri
Ramakrishna that ghe God of the bhakta and the God of the jnani, God the
personal and God the impersonal, are one and the same Reality . Says Sri
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