Monday, 13th October 2014
Goddess of Truth
In the olden days there was a great king named Aparajita. He loved his
subjects dearly. All were happy and joyous under his care. The country was
prosperous under him
One morning , he went to bathe in a nearby river. There, he saw a
beautiful girl who had actually come out of his palace He stopped her and asked
‘Oh Mother, who are you? Where are you going at this hour all alone?
She replied O King I am the goddess of wealth. I don’t stay at one place
for long. But I stayed here for a long time, as you are a good man. Now I am
leaving the place.
Is it so? If you are not happy here , you may go ‘ said the king.
After some time another girl was passing along “ O mather! Where are you going? Asked the
king. She said. “Your Majesty! I am the goddess of virtue. I follow the goddess
of wealth .
As you wish mother, you may go’, said the king.
After some time another , lady came along. ‘Who are you and where are
you going? Asked the King . She replied I am the Goddess of Justice. I reside
where the Goddess of virtue resides sop I am leaving
‘All right I will not stop you’ said the king.
After sometime, he saw yet another lady ready to leave. The king asked.
‘Mother! Who are you and where are you going? She replied, ‘I am the Goddess of
truth . I stay where my sisters are. I am leaving as all my sisters have left.
Hearing this , the king became very sad, He instantly fell at her feet
and said ‘Mother Please be gracious . I did not worry when the other three
left. But I cannot exist without truth . so kindly do not forsake me.
The goddess of truth was moved by these words of the king and said ‘All
right. I am not leaving your kingdom. ‘The king was happy and he said O
Compassionate Mother! Glory to thee.
Since truth stayed back. The Goddess of justice returned. She said O
King! I stay only where the goddess of truth reside. It is my good fortune
Mother! You are welcome! Said the king.
Goddess of virtue returned and pointing to her two sisters said I do not
stay without them. So let me also stay back. After a while , the Goddess of
wealth too returned. She said without justice, virtue and truth, wealth will be
the cause of disaster . so I too have returned.
The happy king prostrated before the goddess and said ‘O mothers! Let
the people of my kingdom too realize the greatness of truth and understand that
wherever truth is there will be justice virtue and wealth.

In the modern age, we have heard the name of Sri Ramakrishna, the saint
of Dakshineshwar. He had seen the Divine mother face to face, He used to pray
to Divine Mother thus. Mother here is They knowledge and there is They
ignorance. Take them both and grant me pure devotion. Here is Thy holiness and
here is They unholiness. Take them both and grant me pure devotion. Here is thy
good and there is they evil. Take them both and give me pure devotion. Here is they righteousness and there
is They unrighteousness. Take them both and give me pure devotion. He could
mention all these but he could not say
Mother here is They truth and here is Thy falsehood. Take them both He
used to say, I could bring myself to give up everything at Her feet but could
not bring myself to give up truth.
That is the greatness of truth, so let us resolve that we shall stick to
the great virtue of truth, wherever we are.
Courtesy Value Oriented Moral lessons
Quote from the True Charm and power of Vedanta
It is through borrowed light of the self-effulgent Atman, that mind and
intellect are able to perform their respective functions. He who realizes that
Real Light of Atman within his heart attains immortality
As the one sun illumines the whole world, so does He who dwells in the
body, O Bharata illumine the whole body.
As long as the Divine Spirit dwells in this body so long people honour
and respect it. The moment the Divine Being discards this body making it dead
no one approaches the inert body. It is taken to the cremation ground.
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