Monday, 3rd November 2014
Past Tense
Teacher : “I am young and beautiful , Ramu tell what tense it is
Ramu : “Past tense Madam”
With a smile
Income tax officer: “You should pay your taxes with a smile”
Young lady “I have tried thrice but every time they insist for cash”
Use it here alone
Kamlesh asked the teacher “Sir, shall I take this book home”? Teacher
said, “ No, use it here alone I don’t give anything to home”
After some days the teacher came to Kamlesh’s house and asked for a
broomstick to clean his house Kamlesh said “No , sir, I don’t give anything to
home. You must use it here alone
Water the Elixir of life

The world water day
in 2012 is intended to draw the international attention on the relationships
between water and food security

Food security exists
when all people at all times have both physical and economic access to
sufficient , safe a and nutritious food that meets their dietary requirements
for an active and healthy life . People who have better access to water tend to
have better levels of nourishment. Lack of water can be a major cause of famine
and malnutrition, particularly in areas where people depend on local
agriculture for food and income in 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights affirmed the right or everyone to adequate food . it is inevitably
linked to the accessibility of the most precious natural resource, water . Hence it is the elixir of
life and therefore , the world water day to stress its importance for human survival.
Quote from the True Charm and power of Vedanta

Science of course
cannot enunciate the goals and create in us a motivation for reaching them. But
in regard to means for reaching the goals which can be enunciated and motivated
only by religion cab directly or indirectly learn much from science.
This point is clearly
put by Bertrand Russel when he says.
…science can tell him
how certain ends might be reached. What it cannot tell him that he should
pursue one end rather than the other.
Science can make a
bulldozer. But it cannot train the emotions of the driver so that he will stop
it before a crawling baby and not run over it.
Religion on the other
hand cannot make a bulldozer but it can train the emotions of the driver so
that he will not roll it over the baby
To be sure, we
require bulldozers. We also want to be sure that bulldozers will not go about
crushing babies , temples, we require power and sanity to go hand in hand and
in the power of science-which is a blind power-sanity is not inherent:
therefore, it has to come from somewhere else. That “somewhere else” is nowhere
else but to religion.
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