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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Happy Home

Monday 28 July 2014
Happy Home
Every human home is originally intended to be a real heaven of rest- a little heaven on Earth where all the children learn to be unselfish. Attitudes of love and loyalty ought to be inculcate into their minds.
The true center of every home is the mother. No one else can overtake her place . Her tastes, her desires, her ideals , will influence everything that goes on within that home. If she is kind and cultured , her home will reflect her fine ideals. But if she is careless and ignorant, the home will fast show here poor attitude or lack of training. Education is very important to a young man if he is to succeed in the business and professional world. Everyone will agree with this view. But education in the art of home-making is even more important for a young woman, for into her hands has been committee the very future of human race. M.k Gandhi , the Patriarch of our nation stressed on the education of women. He felt that the success of the family, the community, the nation and the world depends on the young woman and the kind f homes they establish. There is no greater reusability than this.
To be a place of happiness, the home should be bright and cheerful . every day each room should be filled with sunshine and fresh air. So that every part of the house will be sweet and clean for the family to enjoy . above all it should be a place of joy and love, a place where the door is ever open to friends and neighbors, and where even strangers are received with hospitality and kindness.
If children everywhere are given the right kind of home training, there would be no more wars, no more crimes, and no more poverty. Almost all the problems that afflict human race can be traced to wrong environment during childhood and youth. Proper home training develops a balanced personality. Remember this . Happy parents create happy homes. Happy homes produce happy children. Happy children make a happy community, and happy communities make a happier world. 
Quote from the true Charm and Power of Vedanta
The Vedanta recognize the reasoning power of man a good deal, although it says there is something higher than intellect, but the road lies through intellect.
Some people seem to fear that if they accept the possibility of knowing God. Then they will have to accept a finite God, who of course cannot be worshipped.  Their fear is baseless because when a river flows into the ocean, the ocean, thereby does not become lesser then itself, only the river becomes greater then its seeming self. When one knows God. God is not finitized, only the knower’s limitation are shattered When one knows God he is in infinity. and at the same time not knowing God has ceased for him. Though knowing God thee is no fear of losing. His infinitude. Holding a different kind of fear, some other people seem to think that if they acknowledge the truth of religious other than their own, then their religion will stand out to the false. Their logic is very simple if X is true. Y cannot be true, and Z must be false, for x, y, z differs among themselves.  But fortunately for the world, God, the Ultimate Simple, is the master of all complexities and contradictions. He knows how t make symphony out of apparent irreconcilables. 
In order to accept the truth of the rose one has to deny the truth of the lotus or that of the magnolia. Every religion represents a spectrum of God’s  truth. If the different religion disagree in some regards, it only proves the infinite richness of God . of losing the truth of ones religion by acknowledging that of others, there is no real fear.
What is needed today in the world of religion is a respectful reassessment of all available testimony of God seen and known for enriching and enlarging more concept of God. This is the new adventure the religion are called upon to undertake in an age of expansion of knowledge in every sphere for creatively facing the challenge of science.
We must however, reckon with the fact that higher knowledge, in sphere of both religion and science had almost always to contend with the opposition of lesser knowledge.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting seven precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting seven minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste seven minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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