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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Happy Home

Monday 28 July 2014
Happy Home
Every human home is originally intended to be a real heaven of rest- a little heaven on Earth where all the children learn to be unselfish. Attitudes of love and loyalty ought to be inculcate into their minds.
The true center of every home is the mother. No one else can overtake her place . Her tastes, her desires, her ideals , will influence everything that goes on within that home. If she is kind and cultured , her home will reflect her fine ideals. But if she is careless and ignorant, the home will fast show here poor attitude or lack of training. Education is very important to a young man if he is to succeed in the business and professional world. Everyone will agree with this view. But education in the art of home-making is even more important for a young woman, for into her hands has been committee the very future of human race. M.k Gandhi , the Patriarch of our nation stressed on the education of women. He felt that the success of the family, the community, the nation and the world depends on the young woman and the kind f homes they establish. There is no greater reusability than this.
To be a place of happiness, the home should be bright and cheerful . every day each room should be filled with sunshine and fresh air. So that every part of the house will be sweet and clean for the family to enjoy . above all it should be a place of joy and love, a place where the door is ever open to friends and neighbors, and where even strangers are received with hospitality and kindness.
If children everywhere are given the right kind of home training, there would be no more wars, no more crimes, and no more poverty. Almost all the problems that afflict human race can be traced to wrong environment during childhood and youth. Proper home training develops a balanced personality. Remember this . Happy parents create happy homes. Happy homes produce happy children. Happy children make a happy community, and happy communities make a happier world. 
Quote from the true Charm and Power of Vedanta
The Vedanta recognize the reasoning power of man a good deal, although it says there is something higher than intellect, but the road lies through intellect.
Some people seem to fear that if they accept the possibility of knowing God. Then they will have to accept a finite God, who of course cannot be worshipped.  Their fear is baseless because when a river flows into the ocean, the ocean, thereby does not become lesser then itself, only the river becomes greater then its seeming self. When one knows God. God is not finitized, only the knower’s limitation are shattered When one knows God he is in infinity. and at the same time not knowing God has ceased for him. Though knowing God thee is no fear of losing. His infinitude. Holding a different kind of fear, some other people seem to think that if they acknowledge the truth of religious other than their own, then their religion will stand out to the false. Their logic is very simple if X is true. Y cannot be true, and Z must be false, for x, y, z differs among themselves.  But fortunately for the world, God, the Ultimate Simple, is the master of all complexities and contradictions. He knows how t make symphony out of apparent irreconcilables. 
In order to accept the truth of the rose one has to deny the truth of the lotus or that of the magnolia. Every religion represents a spectrum of God’s  truth. If the different religion disagree in some regards, it only proves the infinite richness of God . of losing the truth of ones religion by acknowledging that of others, there is no real fear.
What is needed today in the world of religion is a respectful reassessment of all available testimony of God seen and known for enriching and enlarging more concept of God. This is the new adventure the religion are called upon to undertake in an age of expansion of knowledge in every sphere for creatively facing the challenge of science.
We must however, reckon with the fact that higher knowledge, in sphere of both religion and science had almost always to contend with the opposition of lesser knowledge.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting seven precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting seven minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste seven minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Time Management.

Monday 21.July  2014
Time Management.
Time being a scarce resource needs to be used efficiently. However, major hindrances or obstacles to fruitful . time management are as follows:-
Attitude problem- most people waste their time and that of others.
Lack of planning –some people want to attain too many things in too short a time.
Reckless decisions –many people try to spend more time on trivial matters and spend very less time on vital jobs.
Uncontrolled events-most people are unsystematic and disorganised and waste lot to time on searching , on telephone, meetings with drop-in=visitors.
Lethargic approach-many people don’t know how to use time wisely.
Postpone action –procrastination is often a common problem with many people because they put off things what they should do now.
Absence of delegation-many people don’t delegate nor assess what they can do . Stretching beyond limit yield negative or adverse results.
After identifying major time robbers. One can make a whole hearted attempt to mange time by deploying some of the well accepted and respected principles of tools of competent time management which have been enumerate as below.
Prioritise Activities :-A priority is composed of two elements in various mixtures. Urgency and importance . One has to prepare a list of priorities and execute the most urgent and important assignments first. In the words of Benjamin Franklin “Let all your things have their places. Let each part of your business have tis time. :
Do powerful Planning; The longest journey begins with a single step. one has to set time for all tasks. By failing to plan you are planning to fail. One can save a lot of time by proper planning before any type of communication.
Know to say “No” : We have to learn to say ‘No’ otherwise we will become merely the servant to the priorities of others. Much valuable time can be saved by saying ‘no’ with care and thoughtfulness.
Delegate Effectively. Delegation is a fine balance between control and responsibility and giving away freedom and accountability . they need to delegate some of it to others. Together with some of their own positional authority.
Time Management is a constant activity . it requires strong will-power and supreme confidence in one’s ability to do so. One has to develop a keen sense of awareness about how important tiem really is and invest in only in those activities that truly count. No one can deny the relevance of time in our life.
Quote from the true charm and power of Vedanta
Each souls is a circle. The centre is where the body is, and the activity is manifested there. You are omnipresent, though you have the consciousness
of being concentrated in only one point. That point has taken up particles of matter and formed them into a machine to express itself. That through which it express itself is called the body .you are everywhere when one body or machine fails you. The centre moves on and takes up other particles of matter. Finer or grosser, and works through them. Here is man. And what is God? God is a circle with circumference nowhere and centre every where. Every point in that circle is living, conscious, active and equally working. With our limited souls only one point is conscious, , and that point moves forward and backward.
The soul is circle whose circumference is nowhere (limitless), but whose centre is in some body. Death is but a change of centre . God is a circle whose circumference is nowhere, and whose centre is every where. When we can get out of the limited centre of body , we shall realize God, our true Self.

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting seven precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting seven minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste seven minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.

Illustrated live Reviews7th Heaven moment of the week  in formula one no 77 got a podium,  sign up for a lucky charm email id for your every day walks of lives www.samratvision.com and get a Lucky7 charm email id


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Importance of Breakfast

Monday 14.July  2014
Importance of Breakfast
Breakfast is a very important part of our diet. If you are in habit of skipping your breakfast , here are some very important reasons why you should not.
Break –the-fast, after  going hours without food you  finally get up in the morning and need lots of energy of kick start the day. Only breakfast can provide you with this energy . if you’re of those how’re still not having your breakfast, now is the time to change that habit . here are some extremely important reason why!
Researchers have found that those who eat breakfast tend to maintain and lose weight. though people skip breakfast in the hope of losing weight. They tend to eat more during lunch or even choose unhealthier options later on which leads to weight gain. They tend to eat more during lunch or even choose unhealthier options later on which leads to weight gain.
Skipping meals leads to a hyper insulin response when calories are consumed later on. That means the level of insulin in blood is more than the glucose level which can lead t metabolic disorder. This turn results in fat accumulation.
Your blood sugar level drops down in the morning . you need food that can provide your energy to get through the morning. Body needs fuel to keep it running and the night is the longest gap in the refueling process. To make sure your metabolism keep son going you need to have something within two hours of waking up.
If you have breakfast you can burn those calories early! How is that? Well, instead of going hungry till lunch and then hogging on something loaded with calories with fewer hours left in the day to burn it. Consider refueling yourself early and getting enough time to burn those calories.
If you have kids. You always want to set a good examples for them. By having breakfast on time you will show the quality of leadership by example.
There are foods which we have only as a part of our breakfast like cereals, fruits and milk. If you bypass your breakfast you might never get those nutrients.
Apart from all these reasons to have your breakfast, there are few things you should always keep in mind.
Never have dessert for breakfast, it will cause blood sugar loss later on and you will tempted to eat even more
Read the labels carefully, even if it says nutritious’ look into the details and understand if your body needs that kind of food to start the day.
Stall full, stay happy!
Courtesy Health
I live for
I live for those who love me, for those who know me true.
For the heaven that smiles above me, and awaits my spirit too.
For the cause that lacks assistance, for the wrong that needs resistance,
For the future in the distance, and the good that I can do. My Aim
Quote from the True Charm and power of Vedanta
Yes, though in olden days they thought it was only for the select few, now with such widespread development of intellect, many more people can grasp this truth intellectually. However, I must admit a peculiar situation has arisen in which our life has fallen far behind our intellectual advance, and there is therefore a kid of conflict between our intellect and out life. But this conflict will have to be eliminated; our life has to be lifted to the level of our intellectual convictions. It just wont do only to talk about these convictions while our life goes in the opposite directions. We shall somehow have to lift our life to that high level where our intellectual convictions and our living impulses become identical. This is the age in which this tremendous miracle will be accomplished. That was the faith o Swami Vivekananda, And he therefore said, ‘Spread all truths broadcast”
If you fail to realize God while living in this body, then, O my mind you would have missed wonderful opportunity and brought great destruction upon yourself.
The delusive power of God has played such a clever game that the King of the Universe forgetting his Real Nature has become a tiny jiva subject to all type of changes.
O my mind-please listen to me. Hw whose glory is sung by all is always present in the cavity of your heart. Be always with Him and enjoy His company

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting seven precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting seven minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste seven minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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