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Monday, May 5, 2014

Tips for better management

Monday 5th May, 2014
Tips for better management

Stand behind people in times of stress and crisis. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be open and accessible praise in public. Criticize in private . Carefully mange your time. it’s your most scarce and at least renewable resource . don’t allow ‘yes’ people to surround you. Don’t ask someone to do something you would not do yourself
Cut down on memos. Have more face-to-face communication. Maintain an optimistic outlook. Be curious and open-minded. Treat temporary workers jut like permanent staff. Invest in the continuing education of your employee. Schedule quiet time to think and plan without interruption.
Be an active listener. Be approachable. Celebrate the personal and professional accomplishments of our staff. Use “We” rather than “I” when talking about your firm. Keep all promises. Don’t promise more than you can do. Strive for quality at all times. Look at problems as opportunities . Bring more humor into the workplace.
Lead a healthy lifestyle focused on weight control and exercise. Be a positive role model. Remember that y or never get a second chance t make a first impression. Recognize that no one is indispensable. Place the needs of your family over the demands of your company  be on time for appointments. Start and end meetings on time. Practice what you preach . Disagree without being disagreeable. Recognize the importance of sleep to both your health and your profession.
Apologies when you are wrong  Avoid-over commitment. Remember that the customer is the most important part of you organization. Have the wisdom t know what you can and what you cannot change or do or don’t
Why do Hindus believe in many gods?
Though the Almighty God is one He is worshipped in various ways . To suit different formations of the human mind, sages evolved a system of worshipping various aspects of the same divinity. Each aspect is called a god. But behind these may gods is the . One Supreme Self which is the Reality. Even when a devotee chooses a particular aspect like Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna  or Rama, he is given to understand that all gods dwell in His chosen God or goddess and through the chosen God or goddess all gods are satisfied.
Restlessness is discontent-and discontent is the first necessity of progress . show me a thoroughly satisfied man-and I will show you a failure.
All of us are vital.
Which is more important –the potter or the clay?
What adds most to drama-the actor or the play?
What makes music joyful –skilled players or the score?
What keeps gardens growing-good seeds or hard work?
What flies loved ones homeward-the pilots or the planes?
What keeps railways running the engineers or trains?
All of us are vital to God’s great master plain;
We were all created to be as best as we can.
Quote from true Charm and Power of Vedanta
Purity is real strength, purity is real health. Gather your strength from that source never forget this; then you will become immortal. Purity will make you fearless, purity will make you cheerful. Have strength. Have courage, no matter what may come before you. Overcome all weakness by the strength of purity. Move onward boldly, having real faith in the Lord, He will always protect you.
With purity , whatever you do, that will shine, So there is nothing to fear. This is the secret. One learns it though the blessings of the Lord. His power is great and His manifestation will be seen in the pure soul. He will always guide you through the right path. But work in strength, not in weakness. March one March On! The path lies before you and the goal must reached. No sleep, no rest Awake !arise!
The master only knows what He has in His mind. The world is one thing and God is another thing. So we should not judge the path of the Lord from the worldly standpoint Saviours, never got justice from the world. Only few appreciated the, , and they were those who had given up –the –world and were cursed by it.   If we trust in Him, He will give us strength enough to stand all conditions. Good, evil, happiness, misery praise and blame will have no influence on us. Whether He puts us in Heaven of hell will make no difference to us. He who is free, be who is master of himself will remain the same even in hell. Therefore we must not give way to anxiety if trouble comes, but only pray, pray with great earnestness. So much we have the right to doe. We can only live an unselfish. Pure life and take the Name of the Lord . To the results we have no right.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting seven precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting seven minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste seven minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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