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Monday, May 12, 2014

Tips for Better Living

Monday 12 May, 2014
Tips for Better Living
Start the day with a smile. A dull face makes others also unhappy. Deem th fresh day as another opportunity given to you by the merciful . Creator to lead a better life.
Patiently put up with minor troubles and inconveniences one has to face daily- a little loss of money , comfort or denial or some of your legitimate rights and privileges. Good work never goes unrewarded, but may sometimes be delayed.
Lend a helping had to the poor and suffering , knowing fully well that by serving them, you are pleasing the Creator.
Cultivate the habit of speaking truth at all times, this truth must however , be pleasing and not injuring others.
Exert yourself daily to minimize your desires, wants , possessions, engagements and appointments, any addition can bring only additional tension and anxiety
Understand and appreciate the truth that God is the true owner of everything on Earth and Heavens, . No Person or thing really belongs to you . This understanding will help you to become less attached to yourself, your kith and kin, your home and possessions.
When you see people better placed than yourself, let not feeling of envy and jealousy enter your heart, on the other hand, think of the millions in the world whose lot is far worse than yours.
Be courageous to admit your faults and mistakes; by confessing your guilt and lapses. Then your conscience become pure and you rise in the esteem of the Creator
Before retiring to bed, think God for all His mercies shown to you during the day, and offer Him heartfelt prayers for a better tomorrow.
Story of Pin
Just look at the Pin. You will think that the straight pin was man’s easiest invention. Not so man struggled for then centuries to bring out the pin
Archaeologists report that early pins were merely long thorns Later on , splinters form sea shells fish and whale bones and ivory were used as pins.
Chariot makers and blacksmiths of Greek and Roman periods beat severely with a hammer and gave shape to pins from metal. The prices of pins raged from the equivalent of 15 cents to several dollars per pin! Only the very rich could afford them. The poor people continued to use thorns.
English women of the 14th century made their models of pin out of wooden sticks. They were used to keep meat together while roasting . in those days a few metal straight pins were the most appreciated gifts n birthdays or in Festivals.
Pin making machines, slow and bulky, were in use in England However England kept the monopoly.
After the united States became an independent country, a prize was offered to the firs American to make a pin-making machine. John Ireland Howe of Derby made the first pin-making machine in 1832
The early pins ere not like the pins of today. There were no heads on the pins . the user slopped a piece of wire through a very small hole at one end of the pin for a stopper . those first pins looked more like needles.  Courtesy Inspirational Quote
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
In every man’s life there come moment of wariness and struggle, when everything appears gloomy and hard but know that no true character was ever formed without passing through these stages. So we must be brave and patient . this world is no lovely flower garden, as some foolish people regard it. It is full of thorns, and we must be very very carful as we walk in it. To be watchful is not only good, but absolutely necessary for spiritual progress. You know that thieves cannot enter your room when you are wide awake.
So try to remain always watchful and awake; then you will never lose  your precious treasure.
Above al have steadfast faith in yours and in your ideals.
Dust off all weakness and come out into the broad sunshine of truth; every thing will look different then. Remember this ,that we must not take up the true path for anybody’s sake or give it up for anybody’s sake but follow it for the sake of itself. And must stick to it as long as we live pray to the Lord to give us strength and light, so that we may always serve Him by following the right path. Never mind if we die in the path; but never shall we give it up through weakness.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting seven precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting seven minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste seven minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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