Monday 19 May, 2014
Manner Make Us
Whenever we may be our manners must
be excellent. It is not one’s clothes . one’s walk , etc.., that matters , but
ones manners.
Manners should not be limited to any
particular occasion or nay particular guest; they must be part of our
None like people who have no
manners, least, of all the people with bad manners. There are people like these
who criticize others and blame them of bad manners. But they themselves are guilty
of the same fault. We see men dressing fashionably remaining up to date with the new fashions
that appear everyday . yet they lack good manners.
We on our part should try to
increase the small white dot that represents men of good manners. And wipe out
the black dot that represent men of bad manners . One should always bear in
mind manner make us.
Garlic for Health

Garlic can cure everything from high
blood pressure to impotence. It helps break up cholesterol in the blood vessels
the causes heart attacks. Regular consumption of garlic makes good the bad
effects of breathing exhaust fumes from passing care and buses.
Studies done in Japan and Russia
show that garlic can fasten together lead mercury , and cadmium and allow them
to be passed during the elevation of excrement. But in this process it allowed the good minerals –calcium,
magnesium, potassium and zinc to stay behind in the body and do their work.
Garlic prevents the hardening of the
arteries and the resultant high blood pressure and heart disuse. It has good
result in treating anemia, rheumatic diseases, diabetes, allergies whooping
cough , pneumonia, intestinal words, parasitic diarrhea, sleeplessness and
Garlic preparation including
extracts and juices are used against cancer. They are found to be effective in
delaying tumor growth.
People having pimples on the face
should rub them with raw garlic. The pimples will disappear before long.
He who knows and knows he knows
He who knows and knows he knows is a
wise man-follow him. He who knows and knows not he knows is asleep wake him .
he who knows not and knows not he knows not is a fool. Avoid him. He who knows
not and knows he knows not is simple teach him.
Quote from the True charm and power
of Vedanta
Remember always what the Blessed
Lord says n the Gita-“Udharet Atmanatmanam, natmanam abhsadet” (In order to
make yourself free, no depression should be allowed)

Do not expect anything from outside
Turn your whole thought within ; see Him within. Place your ideal on the altar
of your heart and worship Him day and night that is the greatest thing one can
do in this life. .
There is no real happiness in
earthly things. How can there be when nothing is permanent in this world? Pleasure is
transitory, and so in pain; they come and go and cannot last long. So endure
them, knowing that it is only for a few days. He is a true hero who remains
undisturbed in both pleasure and pain. Have patience. Patience will conquer
everything in long run. We must stand like brave soldiers, firm in faith, Body
does not last long but spirit will remain, character will remain. So pay all
your attention to building up the character.
You are pure and free; weakness does
not befit you . have faith in yourself . have such faith that you can command
every atom of your being; no doubting person can reach the goal; “He who does
not belie in himself is an atheist” says Swami Vivekanda. Know that you cannot
have faith in the Lord unless you have faith in yourself first.
When the Master wants us to do we
may not understand . but we know that we are His children and we may be sure
that He will guide us and protect us. That is all we need. Let the whole world
stand against us; we should not care, We must brave soldiers. Faithful, true
soldiers. The path to Karma is very crooked; but no great work was ever
performed without the supreme sacrifice.
Go deeper and deeper within yourself
. there you will find real peace and rest. Know that peace can be had only
within yourself and nowhere else. No place can give us peace unless we re
ourselves peaceful. So try to gain that peace within yourself, then you shall
become free and no outward disturbance will ever break your calmness. Fest not.
Believe in yourself . move onward! Die like hero fighting for the truth. That
will bring peace to your soul.
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