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Monday, April 28, 2014

I believe

Monday 28h April 2014
I believe
Justice R.C Lahoti Chief Justice,
I believe in the Supremacy of God since whatever I am today is due to the will of God , Blessings of elders and good wishes of well wishers.
Being one of the six brothers and three sisters of a joint family with our mother as head. I strongly believe in the benefits to joint family system. This system is a guarantee for better development of the child and social security for the old and disabled. It facilities social events being frequently organized on a small scale within the house. The disadvantage of traditional culture and the resultant loss of values.
I believe –work is worship . the job in your had is entrusted to you by God. He would never forgive breach of trust. The trust has to be honored and executed . true and complete account has to be rendered at the end of your life.
I believe . Time is money . not a minute is to be wasted. A holiday Is not meant for laziness. It is just a change of work from routine to more enjoyable and refreshing work. This would rejuvenate body, mind and soul so as to enable you to perform your duty more vigorously.
I believe that one must strive for achieving excellence in life. The simple formula for achieving excellence is to do the work today better than yesterday . Introspection at the end of the day and proper planning at the dawn for chartering the work of the day make it easier leading to excellence in the execution of work
Do your duty to the best of your ability and leave the result to God . Never think that you are a person wrongly assigned a task of be done. Just as the head of the family has to look after his family and an executive to look after his office.  God has to look after the entire universe . Everything to be done is entrusted by Him only to the one whom He thinks deserving and worthy of it. Everyone should treat his duty which has been entrusted to him as sacred.
Walk your way to Good Health
Walking is the best exercise around.
You can do walking anytime not even think of it as exercise. You can walk to work instead of driving or you can take a walk through the park.
Exercise such as aerobics and weight trimming require lots of preparation . you have to go out or your way for them. Walking on the other hand, is something we do naturally, walking does not just help tone up our muscles but also keeps us in good physical shape.
If a person walks of a vigorous pace for long periods, chemicals called endorphin are released in the brain. These chemicals stimulate positive thinking and help us handle our daily problems better . walking is especially recommended for people recovering from injury or operations as well as those who suffer from high blood pressure. That it because everyone can walk at has or her own pace-as slowly or as fast as they want. And there is little danger of causing stress to the body, such as serious jogging can do.
For those who want to take up walking as an exercise, here are some hints to get the most our of it.
Warm up and lessen your muscles and stretch before you start walking.
Wear clothing that is both light and protective . the best is clothing that lets your body breath.
Always walk in areas that are well-lit and have little auto mobile traffic. (condensed) courtesy East & West Series.
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
The generalization of the Personal God is another case in point. We have seen how this generalization was reached , and was called the sum totally of all consciousness. But a difficulty arises-it is an incomplete generalization. We take up only one side
of the facts of nature, the fact of consciousness, and upon that we generalize, but the other side is left out. So , in the first place it is defective generalization. There is another insufficiency, and that relates t the second principle. Everything should be explained from its own nature. There may have been people who thought that every apple that fell to the ground was dragged down by a ghost, but the explanation is the law of gravitation, yet it is must better than the other, the other , because it is derived from the nature of the thing itself, while the other post is and extraneous cause. So throughout the whole range of our knowledge; the explanation which is based upon the nature of the thing itself is a scientific explanation, and an explanation which brings in an outside agent is unscientific.
So the explanting of a Personal God as the creator of the universe has to stand the test. If that God I outside of nature, having nothing to do with nature, and this nature is the outcome of the command of that God and produced from nothing , it is a very unscientific theory, and this has been the weak point of every. Theistic religion throughout the ages, these two defects we find in what is generally called the theory of monotheism, the theory of a personal God, with all the qualities of a human being multiplied very much , who by His will created this universe out o nothing and yet is separate from it. This leads us into two difficulties.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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