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Monday, March 10, 2014

Tips to follow and Prosper

Monday 11March 2014

Tips to follow and Prosper
Learn patience form donkey
Learn foresight from ant
Learn determination from spider
Learn loyalty from dog.
Learn virtue of monogamy from birds
Learn wisdom from swan.
Learn docility from dove.
Learn harmony from crow
Learn eat to live , not live to eat from Lion

Absent minded geniuses.

You may have heard of those proverbial professors who are always absent minded . the same applies to geniuses as well . Quite a number of them were known to suffer from temporary absent mindedness. This has often led to embarrassing situations.

One day Albert Einstein was riding in a tram in Berlin, Absent minded as he was, the noted physicist told the conductor that he had not given him the correct change. The conductor counted the changes again, found it correct and handed it back to him. He told him rather rudely, “The trouble with you sir, is that you don’t mathematics.” What a thing to say to none other then Einstein the greatest mathematician of the century!

One day Edison too found himself in an embarrassing situation. The famous American scientist had gone to the court house to pay his taxes. When the clerk asked him his name . Edison instead of replying stared blankly at other people in the queue, Nobody there knew that he was a great scientist who had given the world not less than a thousand inventions.

If Edison blissfully forgot his own name SirWalter Scott , the famous poet and novelist often forgot the poems he wrote . he once praised one of his own poems very highly , thinking that it was the poem of Byron.

Failing to remember ones wife birthday or forgetting ones own wedding by not turning up for the occasion is indeed amusing. Louis Pasteur the eminent French chemists marriage was fixed for 29 May 1849. But on the appointed day, after all the guests had arrived there as no sign of Pasteur. Someone rightly guessed that he might still be in the laboratory and rushed over to catch the scientist and bring them to the wedding.

“Did you forget about your wedding?” asked his friend finding Pasteur busy n his laboratory.

“As a matter of fact I did remember before I started this experiment, said Pasteur. “But later I totally forgot. Thank God you came”

Sir  Issac Newton, the famour English scientist never dared to marry. He dies a bachelor. He was once madly n love with a girl. But the disease of absent mindedness sealed his fate.

One day having decided to propose to his lady love, Newton fell on his knees, took his fiancée’s hands in his own and looked lovingly into her eyes. All of a sudden his mind wandered. Dreamily he grasped his sweetheart’s finger and took it for a pipe cleaner . he then rammed it up his smoking pipe . when the girl uttered a long. Loud cry due to pain, Newton apologies . “Ah!My dear, I beg your pardon! I am afraid I am doomed to remain a bachelor”

And he remained a bachelor . no woman could have possibly lived with Newton. He was always shabbily dressed and he even forgot to have his meals. One day he had his lunch, he then had a second meal, having totally forgotten that he had already eaten!

Percy Bysshe shelly, the great English poet’s wife invariably sent meals into his study. But he frequently forgot to eat them later he would join her and inquire. “Mary, have I dined?”

If Newton and Shellye forgto their meals, Swinburne, the famous poet invariably forgot his hat. One day he searched for it and not finding it in a club he forgotten visited, he called the all porter and wanted to know where his hat was . the mand replied that Swinburne had not worn a hat when he entered the club that evening!

Not being able to recollect where one is supposed to alight having set of on a train journey is rather strange . but this often happened to the famous journalist an essayist. G.K. Chesterton. Once he got of a train  at a place called Harbourugh and immediately sent a telegram to his wife, “I am at Harbourgouh, where should I be?’

Quote from the true charm and power of Vedanta

Wisdom is the goal of human existence. Even men of the lowest intelligence want to know the secret of things; because knowledge alone can bring peace and happiness to our souls. Ignorance is the main source of all misery and no one really enjoys being in that states. Why do we find so many ignorant, irresponsible people around us then, if all are eager for wisdom? Because, although the desire for wisdom is the natural instinct in every human heart. Few possess the power of acquiring it. A man who is inactive, stupid and full of ignorance has every desire to be all knowing, only he does not want to work to gain knowledge. There are others who are capable of work and are immensely active, but who do not know the secret of work and only exhaust their energies in wrong directions. The door of knowledge is ready to open to every one of us if we only know how to knock at it properly.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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