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Monday, September 9, 2013

Tips for success in examinations

Monday, 9TH  September

Tips for success in examinations

Here are seven points to remember for success in the examination hall.

Be Calm; Take a few slow deep breathes when nervous or anxious.

Be confident. Remind yourself that the examiners are eager to pass  you if you deserve to pass. There is no such thing as bad luck for the student who has worked hard.

Be careful; Read the questions twice and with attention. Make sue that you know what is wanted  and always stick to the point .

Keep a check: have a watch and try your best to keep within the time allotted by you for each answer and for revision.

Be legible and neat; Examiners read your paper because they want to. They may skp over the illegible parts of your answer.

Take nothing for granted;

Check your name , number, etc. before handing over your paper. Make sure you follow all instruction in the question paper and answer booklet cover.

Take no chances; Many smart students have filed because of some silly omission or through sheer neglect. They paid for their over –confidence and neglect with failure. Be careful and success is sure to be yours.

Tips to mobilise genuine healthy income.

Trace out the needs of people Prepare a list of prospective customers. Maintain good relationship with your customers using telephone manners. And courtesy. Update your knowledge in different fields. Send birthday greeting cards, wedding anniversary cards to your friends, well wishers. Relatives and customers . Read qualitative newspapers and magazines. Keep clean or jealousy , negative attitude and anger. Keep public relation in good condition

When America turned its lights off!!.

Thomas , an eight years-old boy, sickly and partially deaf was far behind his classmates in academics. Teacher were angry with him because he was slow to pick up. His classmates made fun of him. Thomas lived in an unkind world. But he had a mother who was happy to have him. A mother who would sit with him each evening, at the kitchen counter and listen to how bad his day had been.

One day , Thomas came home with a letter from the headmaster of his school. He was expelled because his learning was slow . His mother did not fuss much about the latter . she knew he was slower than most others. But she believed Thomas could learn if lessons were taught to him with love. She worked on teaching him herself at home. It began to work. Soon Thomas started inventing several new things, a lot of them silly in the beginning

When Thomas finally died, the whole nation the people of the united states of America honoured him by switching off the lights throughout the entire U.S.a for one minute. This is the Thomas whom his head master expelled from school because his brain worked slower; the one whose classmates laughed at. This Thomas was Thomas Alva Edison, inventor of the light bulb and phonograph. And that headmaster and the teasing classmates were nowhere when America turned its lights off to honour Thomas Alva Edison at his death.

There is something beautiful about every creature of God and particularly so about every human being. Who are we to criticise a person created in the image and likeness of God? Let us learn to find beauty in every person we meet! (courtesy “East and West Series).

Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta

All are equal to God and He does not discriminate. He who surrenders to Him whole heartedly receives his blessings.

God protects him who takes refuge in God, from all dangers. The messengers of Death cannot dare approach him. He attains to the abode of God, discarding this mortal body with joy and peace.

The sense , mind and intellect are instruments operated by the Master, who is sitting in the heart . though the Lord alone is the operator , the jiva forgets this fact and out of ego tries to take the credit for himself and brings about his won destruction.

The cause of bondage is the ego sense and because of it the Divine Spirit is tied down to the body mind complex. ‘I am not this body, but I am the Atman within the body, such discrimination between the real and the unreal ultimately leads to realization of one’s own nature which leads to liberation.




But, if He exists?

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

Illustrated live Reviews.  The seventh Heaven moment of the week Pakistna ajmal got 7 wk in an innings, aus won as 315/7 eng made 227/10 , www.samratvision.com and get a Lucky7 charm email id


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