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Monday, September 30, 2013

Never Give Up

Monday, 30th September

Never Give Up

As year goes by we all have a new dream , a new hope , a new heart and lie to make a fresh start-with nothing to worry or weigh on our mind- mistakes all forgiven, and the past left behind.

Here at the gate where a New Year begins, we dream to shed all our sorrows and sis. But life’s  not like that . thought we tread a new track, the old load we still have to bear on our back . so we cant drop that burden because it is still we who have to bear it. We can start with a prayer-not to be given an easier load but a new virion to light the old rad.

Don’t merely count the passing years, and count the milestones on the road of life you tread, but remember the good things God has given you . count the happy memories that set your heart aglow and the blessings of the present and the past.

Remember , we all have something to give the world- and nobody else but you can perform the task that it was destined you should do, so never feel that you are just a unit in a crowd. you are an individual with special gifts endowed, it may be just the gift of spreading cheerful thoughts about-or keeping calm when there’s a fuss and something troubles out. We all have parts to play no matter where or how we live. We all have something to offer life. We all have something to give.

So at this juncture we all have to say to our own self.

I will work with willing hands and Conscientiously.

Strive to put the best I know into the task I do.

With God’s help I will be faithful, steadfast, just and true, and never give up on Dreams.

Quote from the True Charm and power of Vedanta

A great barrier, however, in the way of attaining this social synthesis was the hereditary caste prevalent at the time among the Aryans which kept non Aryan races outside Aryan society. Sri Krsna introduced social liberalism within the Aryan society by changing the basis of this division of society and made it possible to assimilate non Aryans to the Aryan social fold. He did not rejects the fourfold division of society, but accepted it as God ordained. For the destruction of caste would have led to the ruin of the social organization. Any society that strong and progressive , necessarily welcomes variety into its structure; for when variations cease to be produced, death results. So Sri Krishna accepted the fourfold division of society, based it on the
qualities of individuals and on their fitness to live a particular mode of life suitable to serve society in a particular way.  The division was functional and each individual was expected to do that kind of service to society for which he as best equipped according to his gunas and karma, or his moral spiritual and intellectual endowments as determined by his previous births and actions. It was a question of service and not that of rights or privileges which are the bane of all societies. This put the right man in the right place, and there was no waste of energy nor want of efficiency, which would otherwise have resulted from an indiscriminate division of labour. This fourfold divisions of labour removed competition between individuals in society. The performance of one’s duties. If done as worship of the Lord, opened the gates of liberation, which was the goal of life according to the Gita. Spiritual progress depended not on the nature of the work performed, but on the attitude of the mind, and the efficiency with which it was performed. The way to freedom was open to all irrespective of the caste to which they belonged and so far as the attainment of their goal in life was concerned, all were equal and bad equal opportunities. The ritualistic Vedic religion was the monopoly of the two higher castes. The Brahmanas and the Kastiryas; the Vaisyas and Sudras and even the Brhamana women. Had no access to it, since they lacked the necessary classical study for taking part in it. The simple religion of faith and devotion to the Lord threw open the gates of liberation to every one, and put all irrespective of their caste , sex and learning on an equal footing.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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