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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mind Nourishes Success Or Failure

Monday 3rd January-2011
Mind Nourishes Success Or Failure
A strong interaction exists between mind and body. Not only in health but in every phase of life the mind plays a far greater part than most of us realize. It is often the reason for success or failure.
Email Coue popularized an auto-suggestion by asking his patients to often repeat the words;” Every day and in every way I am getting better and better.” Not only did he cure thousands by this method but helped many on road to success.
Cholera is caused by a microbe which is killed instantly by stomach acids. The one thing that stops the flow of acid is fear and panic if a patient is given a substance that he is assured will render him immune , the acid continues to flow , destroying the microbe.
Some authorities wish to abolish examination because many able students, out of fear, become nervous the moment they face question papers. There minds do blank whereas other students, less talented, achieve higher marks. .
Every teacher should use psychology to convince his students that examinations are meant to be test them on the work they have done and the books they have read. If he encourages them with positive suggestion, any student gain pass marks. A good teacher builds up confidence of a student while a bad teacher terrifies him into failure.
Examination do not end at school or university. They continue throughout life; for e.g. when interviewed for a job, or examined for promotion. Success depends on your mental attitude which should be developed as you progress through life.
Your mind is the most powerful instrument your possess. Intellect often falls unless the mind is controlled and this can be done by setting for it more task to strengthen.
One need a news report which runs something like thins. “Rajesh, who started as n office boy at Rs77/- a month forty years ago had risen to the level of Chairman of a reputed company.”
A host of office boys must have been taken on by the company; what happened to them all? Most of them must have argued. “How can I get anywhere in such a big company with so many intelligent men above me?’ some must have risen to be clerks. Other s must have struggled on to higher offices, but Rajesh alone had convinced himself that he was as able as the best of them. He had studied hard, attended evening college, and the higher he rose the easier he found the going, till eventually he became the Chairman.
As you rise in your career and find yourself on level with men you thought were giants, you will find that they re neither cleverer nor more efficient than you.
While employed in a company, a Youngman wrote over 200 articles in the spare time and had many rejected by the publishers. But he convinced himself that he could write. He threw up his job and in three months got published over 50 articles. Since then he had more than 500 articles in print.
No matter what you tackle , give yourself an auto-suggestion that you can win and that makes your task easier. It is the mind that nourished success or failure. Believe you have the worth and intelligence to succeed and you are on the way to success. Belief, intelligent hard work and patience assure solid success. You will be what you think you are worth of.
Between saying and doing , many a par of shoes is worn out.
Quote from the Essence of the Bhagavad-Gita
Arjuna however is not able to follow this teaching easily; he keeps forgetting it.For this raso Sri Krishna tells him that all don’t have to follow the same path; either we should do all works as a matter of duty, with no thought of self-interest , or we should give up the pursuit of desire and greed, and take up monastic life dedicated to a specific ideal. The result of following either of these paths is the same. This is because both paths teach us detachment. Total renunciation of the lower self is the only way to perfection.
Even –secualr work done for one’s own enjoyment and pleasure gradually teaches us the value of detachment. The sage Kapila , the fathe of the Samkhya philosophy, says that the creation of the world is an amazing enterprise of nature(prakrit) designed specifically to make the Self (pursa) realize its own glory.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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