Monday 24rd January-2011
Desires-Positive And Negative
The proverbs XIII:19 in the Old Testament say: ‘Desire accomplished is sweet to the soul’, We all have desires to fulfill.
Alas! most of them get thwarted before we realize them. Sometimes the causes may be external but mostly we have something within us too.
To live creatively, to understand yourself, to master the inner destructive forces that could lead to disaster, you need to build an unquenchable desire for emotional control.
No matter how great your positive forces, you cannot grow emotionally, if your fears and resentment overwhelm you. In such moments even your enormous desire to reach your goal will not help you. Then how can you hold your negative feelings in check? First you must keep yourself alert. You ears are super sensitive. When the alarm system inside you goes off , they hear. Then let your reason step in to set it right.
You must refuse to panic. You delay action a while, you reason with yourself; you accept yourself. In the next moment, you attempt to solve your crisis , whether it is internal or external. You have to world to put out the fire inside you. You use your understanding of yourself, developed through your long efforts, to improve yourself, to regain your good feelings, your peace or mind and spirit.
In defeating your internal negative forces, you keep alive your unquenchable desire to get the most out of life. In a world ridden with conflicts and struggles this will certainly prove to be a fruitful means for peaceful co-existence and brotherhood
Law of Love
I Live by the law of love and love shall always be victorious.
I Live by the law of love so I can never be angry with another
I Live by the law of love so I can never be envious of the good of another.
I Live by the law of love so I can always be tolerant of the shortcoming of another
I Live by the law of love so I can always find time to assist another.
I Live by the law of love so I can never be afraid of another’s effort to harm me.
I Live by the law of love I can always rejoice at the blessing of another.
I Live by the law of love so I can never think evil of another.
I Live by the law of love so I can never be proud of my God-given talents.
I Live by the law of love and my name is love I am love. (courtesy Bal Vikas)
Trifles Make perfection
Michelangelo was working on a statue one afternoon when some friends visited him. A moth later they returned and found them still working on the same statue.
What have you done since our last visit?’ one asked.
“Oh, I have smoothed a line here and polished an arm , taken a few flakes of marble from the forehead, and so on”, replied th great artist.
“But those are only trifles! Is that al you have done?”
“True, they are but trifles,”
Michelangelo gravely responded. ‘But trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle”
Temples are gymnasiums for the mind.
Seeing God
When the sea has cast the foam upon the beach, go and ask the foam, “Where are your swirling dash , your gushing on –rush and your maddening dancer? It can only answer “Ask the ocen!” How can the foam dance without mixing upon the waves!
How can dust rise without the wind?
To “see” the ocean through the dancing foam, to “see” the wind through the rising dust, is to “see” God through the noisy world of actions and achievements.
Quote from the Essence of the Bhagavad-Gita
In Arjuna’s life, so long as he did his work like a maid, his understand was clear. Until then his mind had not been muddled by falling into the clutches of attachment. Until then he had remained true to the high ideals of the warrior class; ideals such as loyalty to truth, administering justice by penalizing wicked and unlawful acts, developing oneself spiritual and inducing others to do like wise given protection to one who seeks it. Forgiveness and compassion toward a weak enemy, and opposing even one’s close friends or relatives should they do unjust or wicked acts. Arjuna thought that it was all very easy and he could always continue to work in the same manner. But powerful indeed is the power of ignorance! All of a sudden one fine day, preparations started for the terrible massacre at Krukshetra and into the cause of events , he had become bound to one side in such a manner that there was no way out. Goodness, truth, justice and reason were all supporting him. Sri, Krishna , his spiritual friend of infinite wisdom, was on his side.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-Manu 9 scored a hatrick, livepool 10 hatrick, read Y-factor to get Idea about it in my site www.samratvision.com .log on as you@samartvision.com get a lucky charm email observe weekly wisdom with illustration/.
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