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Monday, January 10, 2011

Ageless Wisdom

Monday 10rd January-2011
Ageless Wisdom
Keep cheerful. In pain, cry, But deep in yourself know that the Lord is only purifying your inner instruments.
An intelligent choice of thoughts changes the character pattern in us, placing thus the entire destiny of our life in our own hands.
All disturbances and challenges rise not only from our relationship with others, but from our attitude to all other things and beings.
Renounce ego is the Lord’s only request, and I will make you God is the promise
It is easy to develop the intellect, but it is difficult to develop the heart.
If you want to prove God, improve yourself. This is the only method.
The source of all bliss is the dedicated performance of duty.
Great achievements are earned not through proficiency alone; achievements are the rewards of efficiency.
The quitter the mind, the shaper the intellect.
At all times, send out thoughts of love to all, kindness to all, blessings to all. Soon you will find all, including your enemies , showering love on you.
Be regular . Be sincere. Make each day a rounded beauty of love, goodness and joy. Live in the bliss of best thoughts , said and done.
A man of full realization instinctively becomes a lover of the whole universe.
He who believes that fall is antecedent to rise, will never give way to despair.
Kripa (Kindness) is an attitude of sympathy cooked in kindness, honeyed with love and served on golden platters of understanding.
Constant contemplation upon sense objects is the cause for bondage.
Doing good in return for evil is the correct morality.
Learn to be happy alone. If we do not enjoy our own company , why inflict it on others?
Be tapasvin and learn to tap the very source of all life and joy, which is verily in thyself . go inwards towards the Lord in thee.
Let your limbs do their work, but let apart of your mind steadily hold on to the idea of the Divine Essence in you.
God is not an ‘object’ to be found outside. Stop searching Discover Him within.
Learn to speak softly , always words of Love and Affection then friends multiply.
Be ruthlessly discriminative, let not the hart wander away without the intellect, its master driver.
Live your life as though you are a true mental Sanysin, Depend on none for anything. Be happy with what is given. What comes to you unasked is what comes from Him. Serve all, at all times, in all ways. Let not your goodness be a liability on you. Don’t allow others to play pranks on you because of your goodness. Be fully conscious of the weakness and goodness of individuals and the society around you. But in spite of their weakness , love them! serve them!
Our Environment
Loss of Biodiversity And World Economy
For the survival of man on the Earth a perfect and balanced ecosystem is needed. Of late, there are many reports about the loss of biodiversity. Mass extinction of plants and animals could have a severe impact on the living standards fo the poorest people on our planet. It also has an impact on world’s economy. According to the study report presented at United Nation’s talks on biological diversity in Bonn on may 29,2008, Global GDP could decline by 7% by 2050 if ecosystem decline is not tackled.
According to the scientist three species are dying every hour, threatening biodiversity. Its impact on world’s economy is analyzed by TEEB, The economics of Eco-systems and Biodiversity. After a stem review of climate change, a sea change had come over the way the countries stated looking at the economics of global warming Likewise the TEEB analysis also in expected to bring a change the way counties tackle the loss of biodiversity.
How it affects us;-The 40 million pounds damage caused by mankind to land ecosystems each year is directly responsible for crises such as rocketing food prices. The earth could lose 11% of its natural areas by 2050 at this pace. Agriculture the expansion of infrastructure and climate change also contribute to this decline. So stern steps are needed to be taken by all counties . according to Gordon Shepherd. WWF Internationals director of internationals director of international policy , biodiversity is not just a green issue, but it is life support , providing food , fuel fiber, medicines, pollinating soil fertility and water.

Quote from the Essence of the Bhagavad-Gita
Some look upon the Self with wonder, some speak of its nature with wonder, some hear of it with wonder, and some unfortunate ones there are who do not understand even after hearing of it(2.29)
You belong to the class of warriors. If you lose the war, heaven awaits you for doing your duty on the battlefield if you succeed, you win the kingdom . So arise and fight .(2.37)
And how will you fight?
Fight with equanimity , looking with evenness upon joy and misery , victory and defeat, gain and lose.
If we do this , no sin can touch us. We don’t have to bother about anything else. We only need to see that we are doing our work as a matter of duty and for the cause of truth . if we can work in the world with this attitude, if we can keep these thoughts always in our minds, if we can go on working like servants of God without calculating our own personal gain or lose ; in no way can we remain in bondage . We shall gradually advance toward our spiritual , liberation. This is the central theme of Jnana Yoga.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-India won as sa scored 147/9, pak won test by 10 wk, china 17,10 on Asia cup, England won by 7 wikct, 7 scored 124 not out ,tennis India double won 6>7,10>7 read Y-factor to get Idea about it in my site www.samratvision.com .log on as you@samartvision.com get a lucky charm email observe weekly wisdom with illustration/.

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