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Sunday, December 27, 2009

How to be a Winner?

Monday 28-December 2009
How to be a Winner?
Courage helps us to live in the most effective and sensible way. It helps us to concentrate on today’s tasks and pleasure, forgetting the past, and leaving the future to take care of itself.
Concern for the future is natural. We must make provisions for it. The only way open tours to influence it is by doing today’s activities to the best of our abilities to the best o four abilities. With courage we can turn our backs not the past. The future is not yet here and remains still to be shaped . We can act only in the present. To act consistently on this knowledge calls for courage. We have to preserve in our efforts to live solely within the confines of today’s circumstances.
Courage and perseverance help to build up a strong character . They build up self reliance. They lead to peace of mind, success in our endeavors and an end to obstacles. The quickest way to acquire courage is through help from other people. Friends can give you the inspiration you need, just like reading inspiring books. Two famous books you could start with are; “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Carnegie, and “The Power of Positive Thinking’ by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.
Dale Carnegie suggests one method for facing troubles with courage, learnt from an expert in the air-condition business. This man’s advice was to decide first. “What is the worst thing that could happen to me in this present trouble?’ He would then calmly and quietly accept that the worst might happen and prepare himself to face it. Then he would ask. “How can I improve on the worst?’ Ideas would then occur that he could put into effect to help mitigate our avoid the worst.
Once you have mentally prepared yourself to face the worst, you always find the courage to take bold, practical steps to solve the problem.
Dr.Pele draws attention to a similar thought. “The primary fact about an obstacle”, he says , “is don’t be afraid of it”. He goes on to add. “The first thing to do about an obstacle is simple, to stand up to it and not complain about it but forthrightly attack it”. By this positive tackling of problems we will learn to know our abilities and our power to get things done. We will convince ourselves . “ I don’t believe in defeat”.
Determination to succeed is the factor that distinguishes people of great achievement from the rest of mankind. They are not content even with doing their best. They go a step further and try to improve their own records.
The famous American psychologist. Williams James used to say that most people use only about ten per cent of their ability. Ouspenski expressed the same idea when he said . “Most people inhabit a mansion but live only in the basement”.
Avoid self-pity. Be hard on yourself (but not on others). You troubles are no worse than others have to face. They are a lot softer than many other people’s . Regretting about your misfortunes will solve nothing. Only positive action courageously carried out in faith will get you over your problems.
Lincoln’s rules for living.
Do not worry, eat two square meals a day, say your prayers, be courteous to your creditors, keep you digestion good, steer clear of biliousness, exercise, go sloe and go easy. May be there are other things that your special ease requires to make you happy, but, my friend, these I reckon will give you a good lift.
Right thinking
Stop thinking about things you don’t want, and think about the things you want. Stop thinking about war, disaster, poverty, hard times , bad luck, panic, crime, evil, failure , suicide, disease, and death. Think and talk more about peace, plenty, health, life, opportunity, confidence, happiness , progress, power, prosperity, achievement, truth, success and justice. Your thoughts help to make a better world. Substitute cooperation for competition, love for hate, trust for suspicion, peace for war and service for selfishness. Right thinking is the greatest power in the world to establish peace and goodwill among men.
“To live in a goldfish bowl”
The expression “to live in a goldfish bowl” means to be in a situation that lacks privacy.
What the mind can conceive and believe , it can achieve!
Love is to human hearts what the sun is to flowers!
Behaviors is a mirror in which everyone displays his own image.
Quote from Gita
Karma Yoga and Jana Yoga Lead to the Same Goal
Who is fit to work in this way? the person who has controlled his or her mind. What happens when a person goes on working in this manner? The bonds of karma are cut asunder and gradually he or she attains perfect knowledge.
Sri Krishna exemplifies the practice of Karma Yoga in a special way. We see that although his mind and senses did an infinite amount of work, he had not the least desire for the result. Only incarnations like him are the real teachers of the world. Their lfie is meant for the spread of knowledge and for teaching humanity. Study their lives and learn to work like them. Otherwise , if we don’t learn to practice control, if we work with desire for its fruits, the mind will gradually become a salve of the senses, and the senses will destroy us. It wont do to be a slave of the sense. That wont help us in any way; we shall lose track of the goal. We should keep the sense and the mind under control.
Let us have a high before us and keep on working . We will see that a Karma Yogi reaches through work the same state that a Jana Yogi attains thought intense detachment. Both have the same goal, but their paths are different. Although the paths are not identical so long as the two are en route, there is not difference the two once the goal is reached.

I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision- Epl Hulciteis 7, manunited 9,10 , Mohan bgan 10, dempo 10, chirag 9 scored a goal online.

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