Quote from the true Charm and Power
of Vedanta
Practice of Religion
What is the ideal of religion then, if this cannot be a practical (religion) it certainly cannot be. What are we here for? We are here for freedom for knowledge. We want to know in order to make ourselves free. That is our life, one universal cry for freedom. what is the reason the …plant grows from the seed, overturning the ground and raising itself up to the skies? What is the offering for the earth from the sun? What is your life? The same struggle for freedom. Nature is trying all around to suppress us, and the soul wants to express itself. The struggle with nature is going on. Many thins will be crushed and broken in this struggle for freedom. That is your real misery. large masses of dust and dirt must be raised on the battlefield. nature says, ‘I will conquer.’ The soul says, ‘I must be the conqueror, ‘Nature says, ‘Wait! I will give you a little enjoyment to keep you quiet’ The soul enjoys a little becomes deluded a moment but the next moment it [ cries for freedom again] Have you marked the eternal cry going on through the ages in every breast? We are deceived by poverty, We become wealthy and are deceived with wealth . we are ignorant . we read and learn and are deceived with knowledge no man is ever satisfied. that is the cause of misery, but it is also the cause of all blessings. That is the sure sign. How can you be satisfied with this world ?....If tomorrow this world becomes heaven, we will say . “Take this away Give us something else’
Faith provides the supreme immunity
By James Anderson
Faith is a seed planted deep within us; it is natural to the soul. True faith is absolute because it amounts to certitude: it holds us all together.
One might imagine that one graduates to this state by rungs of mental
belief and eventually conviction. But it doesn’t quite work like that. We can
climb to the top of this ladder of mental resolution, but there will always be
something vast separating us from faith.
Truly, we need to begin again. We aim to retrieve the spontaneous faith
and trust of being a young child. The truth is that in time we lose this
spontaneous connection with the soul. The child can’t claim to be fully
conscious, but the connection is very clear and natural. It is something
implanted at birth, but our upbringing creates this chasm. It is simplicity
that nurtures faith. Although some possess this attribute, for most, their
faith withers and gets smothered by layers of mental complications.
The problem comes from conditioning. From birth we are impacted by
countless environmental impressions and influences. When young, we are sponges
that absorb everything that presses from outside. Faith gets eroded by this
consistent pressure. Eventually the sponge gets so saturated, we forget who we
are. It is our ego which soaks these vibrations and so we move into a zone of
duality and separate our self from the soul. We lose ourselves in the world
outside; we lose identity with the Self and so lose our faith. Quite apart from
anything else, we lose control of our health and well-being.
But the good news is that faith can be retrieved. How can it disappear
when it is something the Divine has instilled in each of us? It just gets
concealed, that’s all. It is buried beneath the rubble that the ego and mind
have left behind. This is when we summon our courage and make the leap.
Sometimes a single action might define it. This is why it so often arrives
through surrender. Self-giving inspires faith and faith propels our surrender.
We can’t turn back the clock, but what was once a totally natural resonance
to well-being can be replaced, through yog, by an authentic and conscious
mastery. The irony is that we reclaim our youth when we do this. Life no longer
remains stagnant. We may even become simpler. It infuses the infinite joy of
being alive. At last, we have a purpose. At last we access the stamina to see
the course through to the very end.
Installing this mastery is a prolonged process, but if sincere our faith
will grow and grow. This turning to yog represents a rebirth and we start
laying new building-blocks again. Born again, our work becomes a simple joy. We
are passing from the mental to the spiritual. We surrender everything to the
soul. This fortifies us and places our faith onto a secure footing.
When we get there, we know; we no longer need to believe. Belief is always
open to doubt and one cannot progress on shifting sands. There are many
counter-proofs and our previous beliefs get easily discarded. Today, we are
surrounded by ignorance and scepticism. Humanity is being bombarded by illnesses
and viruses of all kinds. Faith provides the supreme immunity; faith is not
superficial; it is something inside which makes us whole and this is why it is
the surest foundation to good health.
The writer is coordinating editor of NAMAH, the Journal of Integral
Health, published from Puducherry
I drive joy there was a doctor in
Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God.
Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued
that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled
into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that
I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting
your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why
should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-
ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the
week in bbl PERTH SCORECEHRS WON SCORING 126/7, Adelaid won scoring 186/7
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