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Monday, January 17, 2022

Steps of Hindu Philosophic Thought


Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta

He Who


Steps of Hindu Philosophic Thought


The first group of religious ideas that we see coming up- I mean recognized religious ideas, and not the very low ideas, which do not deserve the name of religion – all include the idea of inspiration and revealed books and so forth. The first group of religious ideas starts with the idea of God. Here is the universe, and this universe is created by a certain Being. Everything that is in this universe has been created by Him. Along with that, at a later stage, comes the idea of soul-that there is this body, and something inside this body which is not the body. This is the most primitive idea of religion that we know. We can find a few followers of that in India, built it was given up very early. The Indian religions take a peculiar start. It is only by strict analysis, and much calculation and conjecture that we can ever think that that stage existed in Indian religions. The tangible state in which we find them is the next step, not the first one. At the earliest step the idea or creation is very peculiar, and it is that the whole universe is created out of zero, at the will of God, that all this universe did not exist, and out of this nothingness all this has come. In the next stage we find this conclusion is questioned. How can existence be produced out of non –existences? At the first step in the Vedanta this question is asked. If this universe is existent it must have come out of something, because it was very easy to see that noting comes out or nothing, anywhere. All work that is done by human hands requires materials. If a house is built the material was existing before; if a boat is made the material existed before; if any implements are made, the materials were existing before. so the effect is produced  Naturally, therefore the first idea that this would was created out of nothing was rejected and some material out of which this world was crated was wanted. The whole history of religion in fact is this search after that material.

 Out of what has all this been produced? Apart from the question of the efficient cause, or God, apart from the question that God created the universe, the great question of all questions is; Out of what did He created it? All the philosophies are turning, as it were on this question One solution is that nature , God and soul are eternal existence as if three liens are running parallel eternally, of which nature and soul comprise what they call the dependent  and God the independent Reality. Every soul like every particle of matter , is perfectly dependent on the will of God .  


Meditation that takes you beyond all limits

By Ashok Vohra


According to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, ‘Mankind was not born to suffer, mankind was born to enjoy. The purpose of life is to expand happiness.’ Human beings can get rid of their suffering, attain a state of happiness and share it with others by practising the technique of bhavateet dhyan, transcendental meditation (TM). TM is withdrawal of consciousness and senses from the external objects and concentration of the consciousness on the self.


Dhyan is different from upasana, the method of worship. Upasana depends on the religion, faith upheld by one. So, there can be as many upasana padhatis, methods of worship, as there are religions or sects. Dhyan means concentration of mind on God, or self, or the Supreme principle, or even on shunyata, nothingness. In Buddhism, almost a similar technique of dhyan is called Vipassana. Upasana, on the other hand, is continuous thought of Him. For example, naam jap, recitation of names of God, is a form of upasana.


The word ‘transcendental’ means ‘going beyond the limits of human knowledge, experience, reason’. TM is a method of calming the mind and becoming relaxed by thinking deeply in silence, and silently repeating a special word or a syllable or series of words (mantra) many times in a row.



In the preface of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Science of Being and Art of Living, Charles F Lutes writes that the term ‘transcendental meditation’ though seems very complicated and difficult to understand simply means a scientific method of ‘communication with the Infinite’. It is scientific because it is ‘systematic and produces measurable and predictable results’. The outcome of TM is ‘realisation and fulfilment of the art of realisation’.


The technique of transcendental meditation is religion, sect, or faith neutral. It leads to the enhancement of one’s capacities to follow one’s own faith more enthusiastically.


The chief purpose of this meditation technique is to ‘put one in touch with his own essential self, the eternal Being within, by moving one’s attention away from the surface consciousness of change, suffering and stress. One then becomes the Absolute Being, an experience which Maharishi calls “God-consciousness”’.


In fact, the practice does not require a prior understanding of any philosophical theory.


All that is required of the practitioner is to recite twice a day for about 15-20 minutes a syllable, or a string of words – mantra, with closed eyes. The mantra is chosen by the trained teacher, guru, according to the need of the practitioner. Since a guru is needed to understand the needs of the learner and to initiate the learner into the correct technique, the TM is also called guru-centred practice.


Regular practice of TM eliminates the negative feelings of stress and fatigue and replaces them with the positive feeling of wellbeing. This change has been scientifically proven by many researchers. Experiments in the laboratories have established that TM ‘increased creativity and flexibility, increased productivity, improved job satisfaction, improved relations with supervisors and co-workers’ by creating a positive effect on the human mind and body. TM is not a passive state, rather it is a ‘state of restful alertness where the mind is awake but quiet, silent but alert’.





 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


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