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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Be a Decisive Person

Monday, 25 December 2017
Be a Decisive Person
Image result for Be a Decisive Person quoteWorldwide a great number of people are unable to make up their minds . such people are impossible to deal with. In any business dealings this can prove to be a movement in the wrong directions. Inability to decide is really a characteristic weakens of a person,. It explains why an intelligent person fails to carry out a task which he is expected to do.
Image result for Be a Decisive Person quoteHe does not lack brilliant ideas, but he always seems to be wearing about everything and not arriving at firm decisions. The result is that he never tries to do anything worthwhile.
Think of the loss of missed opportunities due to doubt. There are occasions when great things are possible, but only if a man is ready to seize the opportunity. Otherwise, what might have been a great success becomes a total failure.
Make up your mind. Be a decisive person .Decisiveness is a quality of mind which can make a very important difference in life, both in your carer and home.
Why is it that some people are without any steady and fixed ideas about anything?
Image result for Be a Decisive Person quoteThe answer can be found in the early influence of home-a protective mother always doing things for him to think for himself or a dictatorial father laying down the law and not allowing any communication.
In such case children do not get any training whatsoever in self-reliance. In thinking and acting for themselves and accepting responsibility. Thus they become weak and ineffective in coping with an emergency. They are puzzled and not certain what to do.
Another reason for indecisiveness is unwillingness to become part of it, a desire to keep clear of trouble at all times.
When it comes to deciding on any adventure course of action, such people find some easy way out to avoid committing themselves.
Another reason for not facing a challenges decisively is lack of belief in one‘s capacities a deep rooted feeling that failure is impossible to avoid.
People may not be aware of these underlying causes of inferiority feelings but they are fixed deep in the subconscious mind.
How can one get rid of this indecisive attitude?
Where fear rules, you get failure . but when you replace fear with faith, hope and courage almost everything is possible . As you think, so it will be.
In your day –to-day decision making always remember these points.
Don’t worry about the mistakes you may make . the man who never makes mistakes never makes anything else learn form your mistakes.
The situations we have to deal with differ much. Make up your mind on the basis of the existing conditions.
Before you decide the course of action clearly state the problem you must face. Give enough time to consideration. Write down the reasons for and against a certain course of action. Allow it to rest for days if necessary. But once the decision is made don’t go back.
Refuse to accept defeat. Be bold believe that somewhere there is a way out. Grasp this truth that when a man dares to believe in the impossible and takes actions in a way that is fitting and proper, he becomes a forceful person full of energy to achiever great things in life.
Decisiveness helps one to win the day. By training and self discipline make up your mind to make the best use of your disability and achieve success.
Train yourself to be a decisive person
Remember that you are what you choose to become . Cultivate self-reliance. study your problems carefully but believe that every problem has a solution courtesy wisdom
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
Banana tree- significance
A sign of Auspiciousness !
Banana is an integral part of Hinduism. Its fruit is offered to different Vedic deities during sacred rituals. Banana is considered as an auspicious tree. Right from wedding to Satyanarayana puja, its presence is inevitable.
A sign of Lord Vishnu !
It is considered as a sign of Lord Vishnu. You would often find devotees watering it or prostrating before it. No Hindu devotee will ever cut it off ,as it would be tantamount to hurting Lord Narayana. In certain communities, some perform a mock marriage with it as it is treated as a guardian deity whose influence removes malefic impact of past karmas.
A sign of Prosperity
It is seen as a sign of prosperity. In southern India, food is served on its leaves and different food items are prepared from its fruit. In bengal-sukhto, a great dish is prepated from it; and, it Kerala, fritters are prepared from it. However, many don't don't eat it because of astrological reasons.
But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
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