January 04, 2016
On God
God is love
God pervades all as the oil in the oil seed. God is one here is no second to
Greatest Gain
of Marriage

Will to
The will to succeed , translated into action,
becomes unceasing effort and he who has this precious gift has no cause to fear
any problem however complicated or large in dimension.
New Year Days
In India
Among Indian festivals New Year days are
perhaps the most important Most people celebrate it with the hope that anything
that starts well will end well
The Gregorian calendar was introduced by the
British during their rule. It was practically the only calendar in use for
official purposes. January first is of course, the New Year day of the
Gregorian Colander.
In parts of international importance like
Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Kochi etc, the sterns of ships sound the arrival of
the New-year exactly at midnight. Organizations that follow the British
traditions have New Year eve dinner and dances to bring in the New Year
Navroz A sections of the Parsis
follows the Fasli Calendar and their New Year starts with the vernal equinox,
the time when what Sun crosses te equator. The day which came to the known as
Jamshed Navroj was celebrated in ancient Persia (now Iran) with a good deal of
feasting and drinking. The Mughals used to celebrate Jamshed Navroz in India it
was customary for the Mughal emperor to be weighed on the occasion in gold and
silver which were distributed among the poor people

The Saka era is younger than the Chritain era. The 22nd
of Mrch 1977 corresponding to the 1st of Chairtra 1899 Saka. The
origin of this era is traced to the regional (beginning with accession to the
throne) years of King Salivahan.
Gudhi Padwa: In the Maratha Country the New year is also
sometimes celebrated as Gudhi Padawa (banner First) The main item of the
celebration is the raising of a banner of silk and gold on a long and paying
homage to it a survival perhaps of an ancient flag-hoisting ceremony.
Ugadi and
Panchaga Sharavana: In Andhara
Pradehsn the New Year is called Ugadi meaning the beginning of the yuga (an
age) It is generally celebrated with a feast.
Vikram era: The vikram era is followed in Gujarat and
some parts fo North India. It starts with the regional year of King
Vikramaditya Kartik (October –November) and the Diwali celebration coincide
with it. The new part other celebration is the changing of the account books ,
giving a new look to houses and business premises and generally starting a new
life for the coming years
Vishu or the
Kollam New Year: The Kollam era is
followed mainly in Kerala. The era is said to have started from the day Parasuraam
reclaimed Kerala front the sea. The months of the Kollam year are purely solar
(influenced by the Sun) They are called by the twelve signs of the Zodiac (an
imaginary belt in the heavens) Chingorm is the first moth of the year.
The most important part of the Vishu or the
Kollam new Year is the Kani or preparation for the auspicious oman during the
night. So on getting up in the morning of the New Year day everyone may look at
it and have good luch for the whole year
Pateti: Pateti is the New Year of the older school of
Parsis. It falls sometimes in September after the South , West monsoon has lost its vigoour. The day is
marked with the putting on of line clothes prayers at the fire temples,
greetins, alms –giving and feasting at the homes and in the parks.
Naba Barsha: In Bengal the indigenous era is the Bengali
San. It had its beginning in the 5th Century of the Christian era.
An important feature of Bengali New Year celebration is the Prabahat pheries
(dawn processions) with music and dance.
Other New
Years; The Punjab begin the yar
with the first of Vaisakh. Others again begin the eyar with the month oif Ashaa
(June –July) The Kahmir Spatarshi year starts with the vernal equinoz the time
when the Sun crosess the equator . But the New year of the Buddhist Lamas
called Mela loser in Ladakh region of Jammu & Kashmir is celebrated in
December . On the other hand the Asomese Ne eyar day (of Assam) is celbrted in
april May. (Courtesy wisdom)
Tell Me How
to Do It!
I don’t want a lawyer to tell me what I
cannot do. I hire them to tell me how to do what I want to do.
Doing what you like is freedom, liking what
you do is happiness.
If a man writes a better book, though he
built his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.
Quote from
the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
Let me tell you that the realization of the
Self is possible for all , without any exception . one should pray to God with
a longig heart. God certainly listen to prayrs , if it is sincere. There is no
dbout about it.
Pray to Him with a yearning heart and weep .
That will purify your heart.
Pray to God with a yerning heart that you may
tke delight in His name. he will certainly fulfill your hearts desire.
When a man sincerely prys to God , he is able
to fix his mind on God and develp rel love for His Lotus Feet.
God is the Kalpataru. The Wish fulfilling
Tree. You will certainly get whatever you ask of Him. But you must pray
standing near the Kalpatarur . Only then will your prayer be fulfilled . But
you must remember another thing God knows our inner feeling. A man gets the
fulfillment of the desire he cherished , while practicing sadhana. As one
thinks , so one receives.
Pray to God . he is full of compassion . Will
He not listen to the words of His devotee? He is the Kalpataru. You will get
whatever you desire from Him
will you tell me one thing? Why do you harp
so much on sin ? By repeating a hundred tiems. “ I am a sinner”, one eerily
becomes a sinner One hsoul have such faith as to be able to say, “What? I have
taken the name of God; how can I be a sinner? God is our Father and Mother”
Tell Him “O Lord, I have commited sins, but I wont repat them” Chant His name
and purify your body and mind. Purify your tongue by singing God’s holy name.
A man can see God, if he combines in himself
the force of these three attractions; the attraction of the worldly man, the
husband’s attraction for the chaste wife, and the child’s attraction for its
mother. If you can unite these form of love and give it all to God. Then you can
see Him at once. If a devotee prays to God with real longing. God cannot help
revealing Himself to him.
Abhyasayoga is the yoga of practice . you
should practice calling on God every day. It is not possible to succeed in one
day. Though daily prayer, you will come to long for God. Courtesy The power of prayers
and The Art of Positive thinking
But, if He
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening
for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him.
One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something,
which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does
not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But if He exists? I am
afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes
rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I
derive 4m.
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