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Monday, October 5, 2015

God the Wicked

Monday, October 05, 2015
God the Wicked
This is an astonishing phrase used by Swami Vivekanda. In the same strain he has also said, ‘God the poor’ God the ignorant’ Not only he, even his Master ,Sri Ramakrishna, has said similar thing . Is all this not blasphemy?
There is a whole philosophy behind such expressions, according to this philosophy, man is essentially divine. He is divine, but his divinity is hidden. It is like the full moon is always full, though it is not always so seen. Sometimes it is not seen at all. Whether the moon is seen a t all or not, and however distorted it may be seen sometimes, it always remains what it really is –the full moon.
This simile aptly describes man’s real nature and how it is seen distorted. Wickedness is not his real nature, it is only a distortion. This distortion can be corrected and when it is corrected, man shows his divinity. He is then a Godlike man, a wonder to everybody,
What are this man’s specific qualities? First and foremost, he is honest. No temptation and o threat can make him tell a lie. He is selfless. He lives as if he lives for others. He never hurts anybody; he does not hurt an animal for food or otherwise or even a plant. He is above the barriers of race and country. The whole world is his home. Everybody is his brother and sister. If anybody or any living thing is in pain, he is in pain too. If others are happy, he is also happy. He is one with everybody and everything.
Man is by nature selfish. How can he be so transformed that he will be like the kind of man described above? Has anybody ever seen such a man in flesh? Or cause there have been such men and women again and again in history. Maybe there have been many more than we know of . they have come and gone, few people outside the circle of their closet friends knowing anything about their greatness. This was because their natural modesty made them shun publicity as far as possible. even now may be found such people among the humblest in the world with divinity manifest in them n varying degrees but if they are not know , it is because they prefer to remain unnoticed.
But if there is divinity in everybody, how is it that there is also wickedness in man? How can good and evil coexist? It is because man is ignorant of the truth that he is divine. If he were conscious of his divinity, he would have been consistently good, not sometimes good and sometimes bad, as at present, Each individual has to discover the divinity that ties hidden within himself under the mass of good and evil tendencies on the surface. It is like discovering gold under the earth. One has to dig deeper and deeper till the ‘Gold’ is found. But how does one know that there is any divinity at all within oneself? At first one has a doubt about it, but when one sees people outstanding in their goodness, ne cannot help but ask why one should not try and be like them.
No man is absolutely bad. Even the worst scoundrels are sometimes exceptionally good. It is wrong to permanently condemn anybody as wicked. If there is a blasphemy, it is it. Give him an opportunity to improve. With good education, encouragement and sympathy even a hard-core criminal can improve. Instances of such transformation are many . this is possible because man is basically divine. Courtesy Vedanta in Practice

Brains and Feeling
The brain is literally the head office. Nerves from every part of the body take messages to it, and it a nerve is cut no message can come through. This is the basis of anesthesia. A local anesthetic merely puts the nerves, the body’s telegraph system, out of action, but a general anesthetic closes down the brain, the receiving station.
A brain is made up of the same stuff as nerves, but the grey matters, which is supposed to be responsible for most of the thinking, is spread over the whole in a layered of varying depth according to the brain. It is not possible to make a detailed map of a brain. Reasoning, however, it is agreed, is centered largely n the forehead our cerebrums, sight at the back, and the hind brain or cerebellum controls the body balance.
Secondary brain centered in the hips
No there organ in the world compares in complexity with the human brain  an average man’s brain weighs two and a half pounds, roughly one-sixth of his entire weight. An elephants’ brain may weigh fifteen pounds, but this is only 1/600th of the animals total heaviness.
Even such a poor brain as this is a great advance on the brains of reptiles. The limited minds of the huge dinosaurs largely hastened their extinction. The Stegosaur, for instance, had a brain infinitely smaller in proportion to that of the elephant it was so small that a sort of secondary brain many times the size of the true brain was centered in the hips to direct the moments of the hind legs and swing the huge tail. .
A similar state o affairs occurs with invertebrates. Crabs and files, for example have minutes true brains, but ‘belly brains” centered at the junction of their legs. In a jellyfish or sea anemone there is nothing that can be called a brain-merely a tangle of nerves, with no central receiving station
It will be realized from this how misleading is the humanized in popular nature stories. An insect is more comparable to a machine than a mammal. Even it dismembered, the parts mechanically attempt to carry on, as under normal conditions. Pain is an insignificant term when applied to the invertebrates, and possibly many of the lowest backboned animals. Courtesy wisdom
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta

The earth sky, heaven, the primary quarters, and the intermediate quarters; Fire , Air, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars; water, herbs, trees, sky, and Virat-these relate to natural factors. Then follow the personal one; Prana, Vyana ., Apana Udana, and Samana the eye the ear, the mind speech, and the sense of touch ; skin, flesh muscles bones and marrow . having imagined these thus, the seer said, All this is verily constituted by five factors one fills up the outer five fold by the (individual) fivefold ones.
Since a sacrifice is performed with five factors-the sacrificeer and his wife, the son, divine wealth, and human wealth. Thus everything can equated matter only with the Metter Prakriti but also with sacrifice
These different forms of the vital force perform these functions respectively: exhaling, pervading, inhaling, leaving the body and digesting.

But, if He exists? 
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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