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Monday, October 12, 2015

Live for Others

Monday, October 12, 2015
Live for Others
“One should live for others. I have fulfilled my karma, my destiny. I have done every thing within my capacity that had to be doe. There is nothing more left to do. A tin with the capacity to hold twenty kilos of ghee . no, more . if you try to fill it up with more ghee it will spill over. I am in the same state now you evolve yourself according to your own personality. While evolving yourself, however, remember this. A man’s life is for others. A man who lives only for himself is not a human or even an animal . Have you ever seen a hen eating another hen? You live for yourself, earn for yourself enjoy your earning for yourself. This is not sing of a human being.
Cord of selfishness

Man has bound himself with the cord of selfishness. Whether or not you can do something about it is a different matter. But considerer this point-when the bridge to Lanka was being built for Lord Rama’s army, didn’t the squirrel make a humble contribution? The bridge couldn’t have been built with the and it brought, but look at its bhakti, devotion and dedication to the Lord’s work . that is the most important thing.
The intensity of feeling within you is all that matters. You may not be a millionaire or a billionaire, but you can still serve by means others than money. You can serve through physical work, bhakti , genuine emotion, compassion, etc. Suppose you are a poet, a story writer or an artist working with the media, you can inspire people, you can set them thinking altruistically. Suppose you are a leader, the head of a panchayat, a village council. You set the rules for the village , to tell the people that they should not live for themselves but for others.
The tree brings forth fruit for others. Have you ever seen a mango tree eating her own fruit? Grains, vegetables flowers and fruits grow in abundance for others to eat. Look around and you will see that everything lies, thrives and grows for others. It is only man who lives selfishly for himself. he earns only for his own children and keeps clinging to them selfishly. Whoever lives for others is dedicated to others. One who is selfless is selfless towards one and all. One who is charitable is charitable towards one and all with no discrimination. One who is a well-wisher is well –wisher to all, not only to Muslims, Brahmins, Vaishaya, or widows. He/She live for one and all without exception. Excerpt from : Bhakti Yoga Sagar
Drinking Water for Rural Masses
The national Rural Drinking water program (NRDWP) has been implemented by the Government oif India through the Ministry of Drinking water and Sanitation . it gives lot of importance to water sources and availability with regard to portability, adequacy, convenience, affordability and equity. This can be achieved only with the community involvement at the grass-roots level . besides it, strong politic will and participation of non-government organizations is also needed.
In view of the need and aspiration of the rural masses, provision has been made in the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017) to ensure the supply of piped water to at least 50 percent of the rural population with at least 55 ipcd (liters per capita per day) instead of 40 ipcd with their premises or within 100 meters distance from their household without any barriers of socio-economic discrimination.
The strategic plan for the Rural Drinking water, 2011-2022 ensures safe and enough water for dinking cooking and other domestic needs as well as for livestock throughout the year including during any natural calamities. By 2022 every rural person will have access to 70 ipcd within his/here household premises or at a horizontals or vertical distance of not more than 50 meters from household individual States can adopt higher quantity norms, such as 100 ipcd. The goal to be achieved by 2017 is to ensure that at least 50 percent of rural households are provided with piped water supply , at least 35 percent of rural households have piped water supply with household connections. Less than 20 percent will use public taps and less than 45 percent will use hand pumps or other safe and adequate private water sources. All services will meet set standards in terms of quality and number of hours of water supply every day.
Apart from this , the NRDWP wants to ensure adequate water supply to all households schools and anganwdi in rural India.
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
Love of God
Love is something absolutely unselfish, that which has no thought beyond the glorification and adoration of the object upon which our affection are bestowed. It is a quality which bows down and worships and asks nothing in return. Merely to love is the sole request that true love has to ask. It is sais of a Hindu saint that when she was married she said to her husband, the king, that she was already married. ‘To whom? Asked the king. To god’ was the reply . she went among the poor and the needy and taught the doctrine of extreme love for God. One of here prayers is significant , showing he meaner in which here heart was moved. I ask not for wealth; I ask not for position; I ask not for salvation, place me in a hundred hells if it be. Thy wish, but let me continue to regard Thee as my Love. The early language abounds in beautiful prayers of this woman. When here end came , she enter into Samadhi on the banks of  a river. She composes a beautiful song in which she stated that she was going to meet here Beloved.
Men are capable of philosophical analysis of religion., A woman is devotional by nature and loves God from the heart and soul and not form the mind. The songs of Solomon are one of the most beautiful parts of the Bible. The language in them is much of that affectionate kind which is found in the prayers of the Hindu woman saint. And yet I have heard that Christians are going to have these incomparable songs removed. I have heard explanation of the songs in which it is said that Solomon loved a young girl and desired here to return his royal affection. The girl, however, loved a young man and did not want to have anything to do with Solomon. This expiations is excellent to some people, because they cannot understand such wondrous love for God as is embodied in the songs. Love for
God in India is different from love for God elsewhere, because when yo get into a country where the thermometer reads 40 degrees bellows zero. The temperament o fht people changes. The aspiration of the people in the climate where the books of the Bible are said to have been written, were different from the aspiration of the cold-blooded Western nations, who are ore apt to worship the almighty dollar with the warmth expressed in the songs than to worship God. Love for God seems to be based upon bais of what can I get out of it? In their prayers they asked for all kind of selfish things.  
Christians are always wanting God to give them something. They appear as beggars before the throne of the Almighty. A story is told of beggar who applied to an emperor for alms. While he was waiting , it was time for the emperor to offer up prayers. The emperor preyed. O god give me more wealth, give me more power, give me a grater empire. The beggar started to leave. the emperor turned and asked him. Why are you going? I do not beg of beggars, was the reply. Courtesy Bhakti yoga

But, if He exists? 
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
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