Monday, August 10, 2015
How Climate

What influences
The climate of a
place depends largely on how far north or south of the Equator is it; the way
in which the land and sea are arranged in the area is also very important.
Mountains, ocean currents, and winds all play a part in forming climate.
Climate Zones;
The earth may be divided into three areas with the same sort of climate . These
areas are known as Climatic Zones.
Near the North :
and South Poles are the Polar climatic regions. These are very cold, with snow
and ice all the year round although not much snow actually falls there. There
are only two seasons: a log winter and a short sunny summer, when there are
twenty four hours of daylight every day
The tropical
region lies each side of the Equator and is hot all the year round . Parlts of
the tropics have fairly distinct wet and dry seasons , but in other parts there
is very little change between the seasons.
The two
temperate regions lie between the tropical and polar regions. In these areas
the temperature is neither hot nor very cold. However, some of the wettest
places on Earth are in those regions . There usually four distinct seasons :
Spring , Summer Autumn and Winter.
Other climatic
zones fit in between the three main ones The Sub-Polar regions lie between
polar and temperate regions. Sub-Tropical between temperate and tropical, and
Equatorial in the middle of the tropical zone.
Another sort of
climatic zone is arid zone. It occurs in various places on the Earth .There is
a shortage of rainfall or snow in the zone. The most well-known arid zones are
deserts, like the Sahara Antarctica
has a very low snow fall and is, therefore , and arid zone., it is sometimes
called a Polar desert.
Are climatic
zones a clear demarcation of climate? The climatic zones are only a rough guide
to climate .particular, places may be affected strongly by their surroundings.
Places high up have colder climate than places ear sea level; places near the
sea have warmer winters and cooler summers than places inland.
Another way to
decide what sort of climate a place has is to examine the animal and plant life
. if there are no trees then it is either cold or dry in mountainous areas,
trees will not grow above a particular height. This shows that the climate is
colder the higher one goes.
In deserts the
problem is not cold but lack of water; trees grow near oases or water courses.
Even if there is not water in sight, a line of tree in the secret indicate that
there is water under the ground in tropical areas the trees stay green all the year round since there is little seasonal
variation. They may bear fruit at any time of the year. Courtesy wisdom
Quote from
the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
The Golden
Mean of All Religions

The Daksha
Samhita teaches.
Listen and grasp
this as the quintessence of Dharma: do not do unto others what is hurtful to yourself.
The Bhgavad Gita
Him I told to be
the supreme yogi who looks on the pleasure and pain of all beings man and
animals as he looks on them in himself.
The Dharmadapada
All man tremble
at punishment all men fear death. Likening others to oneself one should neither
slay nor cause to slay.
Tee Kung asked. ‘Is
there one single word that can serve as a principle of conduct for life
Confucius replied. Perhaps the word reciprocity (shu) will do. Do not do unto others
what you do not want others to do unto
Like wise we
read in the New Testament;
And as you wish
that men would do unto you, do you unto them.
This is one
voice of religion everywhere on the basis of which alone protection form injury
is possible. And this principle holds good in family , society and national and
international relationships.
Many of our conflicts
can be traced to the violation of this golden principle of human conduct which
is one of the fundamental principles of true religion. Courtesy Relgigion always Helps
But, if He
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening
for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him.
One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something,
which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does
not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am
afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes
rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I
derive 4m.
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