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Monday, April 6, 2015

Why do Monkeys groom One another?

Monday 6 April 2015


Past tense  

Teacher : “ I am young and beautiful , Ramu tell what tense it is”

Ramu : “ Past Tense Madam.

With a smile

Income tax Officer : “You should pay your taxes with a smile”

Young Lady; “ I have tried thrice but every time they insist for cash”

Use it here alone

Kamalesh asked the teacher , “Sir, shall I take this book home”? Teacher said “ No, use it here alone, I don’t give anything to home”

After some days the teacher came to Kamalesh’s house and asked for a broomstick to clean his house Kmalesh said “NO sir, I don’t give anything to home .You must use it here alone”

Mother Tongue

Teacher : “Why people often talk of “ Mother Tongue?”

Student : “Because father never gets a chance to use it

Don’t blame me

Manager: “Look at all the dust on this desk! It looks as if it has not been cleaned for a fortnight.

Servant: “Don’t blame me Sir, I joined duty just a week back”


Why do Monkeys groom One another?

Grooming (making smart and clean) is a particularly important activity for rhesus and other monkeys because it provides psychological and social benefits to them. It strengthens group bonds as well as the connections between individual monkeys.

Scientist believe that constant picking helps release tension in the group. Grooming also serves to keep monkeys healthier . when a monkey’s rubs through another monkeys fur, it is giving comfort to its companion. It is also removing dirt and flecks of dry skin.


A heart without honesty

Four thins are empty – a head without brains, a wit without judgment, a heart without honesty, and a purse without money.

Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta

To includes this minds, therefore, religion must become broad enough . Everything it claims must be judged from the standpoint of reason. Why religious should claim that they are not bound to abide by the standpoint of reason , no one knows. If one does not take the standard of reason, there cannot be any true judgment, even in the case of religious. One religion may ordain something very hideous, For instance, the Mohammedan religion allows Mohammedans to kill all who are not of their religion. It is clearly stated in the Koran. Kill the infidels if they do not become Mohammedans’ They must be put to fire and sword. Now if we tell a Mohammedan that his is wrong , he will naturally ask. ‘How do you know that? How do you know it is not? My book says it is’ If  you say your book is older, there will come the Buddhist, and as my book is much older still. Then will come the Hindu, and say y books are the oldest of all. Therefore  referring to books will not do. Where is the standard by which you can compare? You will say , look at the Sermon on the Mount , and the Mohammedan will reply look at the Ethics of the Koran. The Mohammedan will say, who is the arbiter as to which is the better of the two? Neither the New Testament nor the Koran can be the arbiter in a quarrel between them. There must be some independent authority, and that cannot be any book, but something which is universal; and what is more universal than reason? It has been said that reason is not strong enough; it does not always help us to get at the Truth; many times it makes mistakes, and therefore the conclusion is that we must believe in the authority of a church! That was said to me by a Roman catholic, but I could not see the logic of it. On the other hand I should say, if reason be so weak, a body or priests would be weaker, and I am not going to accept their verdict, but I will abide by my reason, because with all its weakness there is some change of my getting at truth through it; while, by the other means , there is no such hope at all.

We should, therefore , follow reason and also sympathies with those who do not come to any sort of bele3if, following reason . for it Is better that mankind should become atheist b following reason than blindly believe in two hundred millions of gods on the authority of anybody. What we want is progress development, realization. No theories ever made men higher. No amount of books can help us to become purer. The only power I sin realization and that lies n ourselves and comes from thinking let me think. A clod of earth never thinks; but it remains only a lump of earth. The glory of man is that he is a thinking being. It is the nature of man to think and therein he differs from animals. I believe in reason  and follow reason, having seen enough of the evils of authority, for I was born in a country where they have gone to the extreme authority.

The Hindus believe that creation has come out of the Vedas, How do you know there is a cow? Because the word cow is the Vedas. How do you know there is a man outside? Because the word man is there. If it had not been, there would have been no man outside. That is what they say. Authority with a vengeance! And it is not studied as I have studied it, but some of the most powerful minds have taken it up and spun out wonderful logical theories round it They have reasoned it out, and there it stand-whole system of philosophy; and thousands of the brightest intellects have been dedicated through thousands of years to the working out of this theory, Such has been the power of authority, and great are the dangers thereof. It stunts the growth of humanity, and we must not forget that we want growth. Even in all relative truth, more than the truth itself, we want the exercise . That is our life.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting seven precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting seven minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste seven minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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