Monday, April 20, 2015
Equanimity of Mind

In the present world scenario the
words “Imperturbability and patience” have greater relevance than at any other
times. These certainly help resolve many conflicts and confrontation
politically as well as on social and religious fronts imperturbability means
calmness and presence of mind under all circumstances. It has the nature of a
divine gift, a blessing to the possessor, a comfort to all to the possessor, a
comfort to all who come in contact with him. We can cite several striking
illustrations such as Nelson Mandela Martin Luther King, besides many
scientists and innovators who passed through many trials and tribulations to
achieve what they all stand for today. They all thought righteously and
practiced the same with firmness and courage.
How can we acquire the state of
equanimity, poise of mind and patience? We all know that poise or calmness of
mind, or patience is the most desirable attitude. How difficult to attain! Yet
how necessary in success as in failure! Our natural temperament has a lot to do
with its development, but clear
knowledge of our relation to our fellow beings and to the work of life is also
equally important. One of the first essentials in securing a good natured
equanimity is not to expect too much of the people amongst whom you live. There
is a need of infinite patience and understanding. But none of us can escape the
cares and anxieties of life. To cultivate patience and equanimity as well as
poised mind one has to wrestle on bravely, for in persistency lies victory.
Even with disasters ahead. It is better to face them with a smile and with the head erect, than to crouch
at their approach. It has been said rightly that “in patience we shall win your
souls” and what is the patience but an equanimity which enables you to rise
superior to the trials of life. ?
Importance of Sleep
Sleep is not merely taking time from
our busy routine. It is essential for
physical, mental and emotional well being A good night’s sleep gives the body
time to heal and the bran, time to process all the stimuli it has received.
A hot bath before bed lowers BP and
helps sleep better
Skin absorbs the therapeutic
ingredients of cosmetics better during sleep
Fill a herbal pillow with dried
lavender, roses, cloves citrus, khus and other herbs to get a refreshing sleep.
Chose a mattress that supports the
spine A bed that is too hard or too soft will tire out your body.
Loss of sleep increases blood sugar
levels, which is risky for diabetics.
Life is series of
Release it.
It is true that we don’t know what
we’ve got until we lose it, but it also true that we don’t know what we’ve been
missing until it arrives.
Quote from the True
Charm and Power of Vedanta
Vedanta gives the reason why an
average man-the Old Adam-finds the struggle to reach God so hard. It is the law
of Karma, the result of actions performed in past lives, that does not allow
one to progress as fast as one would like to. But Vedanta also says that a
person can largely determine the future by his present activities; which means
that each individual has sufficient freedom to wipe off, to a great extent, the
bad effects of his past Karma by means of good actions in this life “Trailing
clouds of glory, do we come from God who is our home” and to God we ultimately
return; but the time required for the degrees of one’s readiness and
earnestness. An intense spiritual struggle means an attempt to squeeze the good
thoughts and acts of perhaps a thousand lives into one the struggle becomes
mighty- almost pathetically grand-when a bold spirant resolves to complete in a
single life what it would take others many , many lives to achieve
And , after all, what does it matter even if the bravest
of aspirants does not fully succeed in achieving the intended result, in spite
of the intensity of his struggle? It is far better to have struggled and lost, than
not to have struggle at all. Moreover, it is an incontrovertible law of nature
that no labour is lost no sincere attempt goes in vain. According to the Gita ,
Arjuna asked Sri Krishna;
“What happens to the man who ,
sincerely following the path of Yoga, breaks down halfway? Losing this world
and the next, is destroyed like clouds scattered by the wind?”
To this the Lord replies:
“A doer of good can never come to
grief, my child. No harm can betide him there or hereafter.”
The Scripture say that an aspirant
who has failed to achieve success in Yoga in one life is born again , and
continues the work left unfinished, with greater advantages than before.
So none need despair .
But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7
minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his
colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting
ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The
doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten
minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire
lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you
grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
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