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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Think not you are weak

Monday, 8th DECMBER 2014

 Think not you are weak

Our minds have infinite power Now, how to understand this and put it into use? First of all, we have to understand that we are no weak we are strong and we can be great. Never talk about weakness. If you think that you are weak, weak you will become. What you think you are!

There is a nice story told by a saint to illustrate this. Once upon a time there lived a ferocious lioness in a dense forest. She was pregnant. One day, she was going I search of a prey. Just on the outskirts of the forest, a shepherd boy was grazing his flock of sheep. The lioness at once jumped on the flock for a prey. Alas ! The fall was too much for her. She gave birth to a cub and died.

The shepherded boy was observing this scene from a distance He was attracted to the helpless but beautiful lion cub. He took it home and started rearing the baby lion along with his sheep. His flock of sheep was affectionate towards the lion cub. The cub grew with them jumping and playing happily. Like the sheep, the cub bleated and ate grass. In course of time it grew into a huge lion but thought itself to be a sheep

One day another lion came in search of prey and was astonished to find a lion amidst sheep. It went near the sheep lion. But the sheep-lion got frightened and ran bleating like a sheep. The lion tried to get near the sheep-lion to tell him that he was not a sheep but a lion. But to no avail. The lion now patently waited for an opportunity to catch the sheep-lion

The sheep-lion replied timidly. No, no I am a sheep, and started bleating in fear.

The lion dragged him towards the lake and said, Look here, see my reflection and yours’. The sheep –lion was surprised to see both the reflection look alike. The lion brought a piece of meat and thrust it into the mouth of the sheep-lion. The sheep-lion hesitated for a moment, but soon found it tasty. It relished the meat and cried loudly. And lo! The bleating was gone and its roar reverberated through the forest. The sheep –lion understood that it was not a sheep but a lion.

Similarly, my dear children, you are lions but you think you are sheep. You are pure. Infinite and perfect. But you , have to feel it. There is infinite power within each of you  do not weep but say that y ou can achieve anything and you will achieve. So, stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your shoulders and know that you are the creator of your own destiny. All the strength and succour you want is within you therefore make your own future.

This is the first step to discovering the power of your mind.

Courtesy value oriented moral lessons

Quote from the True charm and power of Vedanta

Do not let worldly thoughts and anxieties disturb your mind.

The more is a man’s attachment to the world, the less is the likely to attain knowledge. The less his attachment to the world, the more is the probability of his gaining knowledge.

Water is dried up at once if poured on a heap of ashes. Vanity is the like this heap of ashes. Prayer and contemplation produce no effect the heart puffed up with vanity.

Visit not miracle mongers and those who exhibit occult powers. Threes men are stragglers from the path of Truth

If there is a small hole at the bottom of a jar of water , the whole water will leak out. Similarly if here is the smallest tinge of worldliness in the aspirant, all his excretions will come to naught.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting seven precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting seven minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste seven minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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