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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Earning Trust of Others

Monday, 29th DECMBER 2014

Earning Trust of Others

Warren Bennis said “ Integrity is the basis of Trust. .. it is one qualify that cannot be acquired , but must be earned. It is given by co-workers and followers, and without it, the leader can’t function.

Trust provides emotional structure. It is established when words and deeds are congruent. Trust also develops when people feel safe and secure. When thoughts and ideas are shot down and ridiculed, it doesn’t take long to realise that the climate is neither safe nor conducive to making yourself vulnerable. In such a situation, what is needed is careful listening and understanding of other people’s perspective, if yo really want to enjoy the beauty of relationships, frame them with trust. So trust is the height of any relationship.

Trust is the result of a risk successfully survived. When others trust us, they truly take a risk But with each successive time people put their trust in us and we don’t let them down, we reduce that risk and build the relationship. If you desire to build your trustworthiness-and as a result your relationship, remember truths about trust.

Trust begins with yourself. Shakespears wrote. “This above all . To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man” if you are not honest with yourself, you will not be capable of honesty with others. Self-deception is the enemy of relationship. It also undermines personal growth. If a person does not admit his shortcomings, he cannot improve himself.

But one of the realities of life is that if you cant trust a person at all ways, you cannot trust him or here at any ways. Many people today believe that they can cut corners or compromise people today believe that they can cut corners or compromise their values in one area of life and it wont affect another area. But character doesn’t work that way. And neither does trust. the promise is that you cant have one set of ethics for your business life and another for your personal life. You must be what you are in all aspects of life. Keep asking yourself whether you have undermined trust.  If so; apologize, ask yourself why you broke trust, correct the issue in your life, recognise that it takes longer to restore trust than to lose it, and finally , remember that trust is restored by deeds, not just words.

Castle in the air are all right until we try to move into them.

Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta

May, Mitra, the deity who identifies himself with and is the self of the function of exhaling and of day, become sam, blissful, nah , to us, Similarly , too, Varuna is the deity who identifies himself with and is the self of the function of in haling and of night. Aryaman identifies himself with the eye and the sun, Indra with strength, and Brhaspati with speech and intellect Visnu is urukarmah, possessed of great stories and identifies himself with the feet. These are the deities in the context of the body. The expression sam nah bhavatu , may he be blissful to us, is t be connected with all since the comprehension, retention, and communication of the knowledge of Brahman can proceed without hindrance when the gods are benevolent, their benignity is being prayed for by saying sam nah havatue etc. Salutation and eulogy are offered t Vaye(air) by one craving for the knowledge or Brhaman , so that the hindrenace to the knowledge of Brhaman, may he averted. Since the fruits fo all actions are in his keeping , Vayu is Brhaman; brhamane, to that Brhaman, samah, (humble) salutation, the expression, I offer’ has to be added to complete the sentence. Namah, salutation, ie to  you , vaua O vaue ie I salute you. Thus Vayu (Air, life) himself is referred to both mediately and immediately. Besides
(O Air); since tvam eva asi, yu yourself are; pratyaksm brhama, the direct and immediate Brhaman- being proximate and without any intervention, as contrasted with outer organs like the eye etc, therefore, vadisyami I shall call, twam eva, you alone; as pratyakam brhama, the direct and immediate Brhaman Ttam, righteousness; is an idea fully ascertained by the intellect in accordance with the scripture and in conformity with practice; but too, being subject to  you, vadisaymi, I shall speak of you alone as that (rta) Satyam , truth, is that which is reduced to practice through speech and bodily action,; since that truth , too, is practised under you, vadisaymi, I shall call you  that truth. May tat, that, the all pervasive Brahman, called Vayu , being thus prayed to by me who hanker after knowledge; avata mam, protect me-by endowing me with knowledge. May tat that very Brahman; avatu protect; vaktam the teacher-by endowing  him with the power of exposition. The repetiton of the expressons, avatu mama vatu vaktam, s for showing eageness (for knowledge)the three reptioin of Om Santhi , Santhi. (Courtesy Taitiriya Upanishad )


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting seven precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting seven minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste seven minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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