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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Education and Stress

Monday, 8th DECEMBER 2014

Education and Stress
Child’s education, scores and ranks have become a hot topic at tall social gatherings. Whether it is a single or double income family, ever parents is racing and forcing the child to race and meet the goals set by school/college social standards, institutions of  higher education, peer competition etc. whether the child has the adequate compatibility is given a back seat. Ultimately, it is the child, on whom the entire load is put. So naturally a child is stressed, depressed sometimes and slowly becomes indifferent. Morning study hours, monitored either by parents or tutors, school hours, evening special or extra tutor hours, night completion of homework, and revision of day’s I am indeed, pancaked. The child has no time to play and relax. He/she has become a machine. Most of the time tuitions absorb the free hours of the child. Has the modern education system led to an increasing dependence on coaching intuitions? It seems to be so.
Many parents send their children to coaching classes our tuitions even at a very early age. Right from the time of primary schooling these kids start going to tuitions. This is where exactly a parent (if the parent is a high school graduate)can easily manage to give extra drill or reinforcement to the Child at home itself Probably, a little extra effort is needed on the parent’s part. The child can learn, sitting in the lap of its mother or father. Why should the child be denied of this privilege?
When the child passes into higher classes, certainly, it is beyond a moderately educated parent they cannot coach subjects like Maths, English, and Science So they send their children for tuitions to different places subject wise. After school hours also children are over burdened and they are robbed of their rest and entertainment. why do they need these extra hours of study? Our children must get 90% and above in spite o fit, they don’t get admissions an jobs . The result is depression, stress and suicide. So kids have to maximize their output, even to qualify themselves to be part of the rat race. A child become a factory as the selection criteria is dependent on various inputs like time, money , food (energy) , comforts (rest), entertainment ) etc.
Thinkers like Rabindranath Tagore believed that nothing should be forced on a child. A child should grow naturally. But education is becoming very formal.-pen, paper, book, and guide, help book, sample papers, and add computers ,CDs, internet also this list.
How to help the children. Parents Educationists and policy makers have to come together. Of course, the students too. Students can avoid the extra study hours n the name of tuitions by listening well in the classes, by being focused on difficult areas and seeking doubt clarification with concern subjects teachers. Teachers never deny this extra time a child seeks to learn properly. Even school an arrange remedial teaching classes for weak learners, and specially programmed study hours in the school premises itself (after school hours) for the above average learns . of course, the extra coaching hours and efforts of the teacher have to be rewarded befittingly. If school authorities, teachers, parents and students work hand –in=hand, there wont be any question of stress-for students, teachers (Who look for extremely good result) parents and of course, the school/college authorities, the ranking of which goes up easily.

Every job is self portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.

Always tell yourself ; The difference between running a business and running a business is “I”

Quote from the True Charm and power of Vedanta

On Freedom and Self-Reliance.
The man who wants money is striving for freedom- to get rid of the bondage of poverty. Every action of man is worship, because the idea is to attain to freedom, and all action, directly or indirectly tends to that.
One may gain political and social independence, but if one is slave to his passions and desires, one cannot feel pure joy of real freedom.
It is not that when a man become free, he will stop and become a dead lump; but he will be more active than any other being, because every other being acts only under compulsion, he alone though freedom.
…freedom is the goal…it is freedom alone that is desirable. That is what men struggle after.
Unity is knowledge diversity is ignorance . This knowledge is y our birthright…There never were different religion in the world. We are all destined to have salvation, whether we will it or not. You have to attain it in the long run and become free, because it is y our nature to be free.
No one was ever really taught by another each of us has to teach himself. The external teacher offers only the suggestion which rouses the internal teacher to work to understand things.
The eyes of the whole world are now turned towards this land of India for spiritual food; and India has to provide it for all the races. Here alone is the best ideal for mankind; and Western scholars are now striving to understand this ideal which is enshrined in our Sanskrit literature and philosophy and which has been the characteristic of India all through the ages.
…The land where humanity has attained its highest towards gentleness, towards generosity, towards purity towards calmness, above all, the land of introspection and of spirituality-it is India.
When the life-blood is strong and pure, no diseases germ can live in that body our life-blood is spirituality. It is flows clear, if it flows strong and pure and vigorous everything is right; political , social, any other material defects , even the poverty of the land, will all be cured if that blood is pure.
Political greatness or military power is never the mission of our race, it never was., and mark my words, it never will be, But there has been the other mission given to us, which is to conserve, to preserve, to accumulate… all spiritual energy of the race…..
India must conquer eth world , and nothing less than that is my ideal…We must conquer the world or die there is no other alternative . the sign of life is expansion; we must go out, expand, show life, or degrade fester, and die.
India will be raised, not with the power of the flesh, but with the power of the spirit not with the flag of destruction, but with the flag of peace and love….. Say not that you are weak. The spirit is omnipotent.
……Every one must be ready for it-the conquest of the whole world by India-nothing less that that, and we must all get ready for it, strain every nerve for it….Up India, and conquer the world with your spirituality! Ay, as has been declared on this soil first, love must conquer hatred, hatred cannot conquer itself.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting seven precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting seven minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste seven minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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