Monday, 10th November 2014
Stumbling blocks are
stepping to success.
A wise man makes the stones on his road as stepping stones. A coward
lets himself trip on them.
Louis Pasteur was 46 years old when he had a paralytic stroke. his
usefulness seemed at an end. Instead for 27 years after this misfortune Pasteur
moved steadily forward in perfecting means to reduce suffering all over the
world. During the period he perfected the theories that led to the control of
Robert Schumann’s middle finger become paralysed. His future is as a
pianist almost came to an end. However, people were thrilled by the beautiful
melodies which he produced inspite of this tragedy.
Milton with god eyesight wrote prose in Latin language, and in English
which is not remembered very well. Later on , he became blind and produced the
finest epic in the English language. “Paradise Lost”

We were married yesterday
A Chennai lawyer went to Kolkata
to try to locate a young woman who had fallen heir to a large fortune. The
police were called n to assist in the search. The case was placed in the hands
of a young and clever detective . several weeks passed by without any
information and the lawyer was beginning to feel concerned over the matter, when the young detective
appeared on the scene. He smilingly informed the lawyer he had located the
“where is she?” Asked the lawyer.
“At my place”, replied the detective . “We were
married yesterday”.
Success will come running to you, if you are
committed to succeeding!
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
Before the great mystery of he unknown, man is but a
child, even the most talented of them, be they scientist or masters of
language. This truth is brought out vividly is a few lines by the English poet
Tennyson in his In Memoriam
Behold, we know not anything;
I can but trust that good shall fall.
At lasts-far off-at last, to all.
And every winter change to spring
So runs my dream;
But what am I?
An infant crying in the night;
An infant crying for the light;
And with no language but a cry!
According to Sri Aurobindo, the first and last word of
supramental Yoga is Saragati, self-surrender to the Divine
“The first word of he supramental yoga is surrender;
its last word also is surrender. It si by a will to give oneself to the eternal
Divine, for lifting into the Divine consciousness, for perfection, for
transformation, that the Yoga begins; it is the entire giving that is
culminates, for it is only when the self-giving is complete that there comes
the finality of yoga, the entire taking up into the supramental Divine, the
perfection of the being the transformation of the nature;
Self-surrender, in Vedanta, becomes surrender to the
highest victory as well. Many of the beautiful hymens in the Hindu tradition
emphasise this truth. The elephant caught by the crocodile , n the very popular
Gajendera-moksa story of Hinduism, after exhausting all the powers of his own
ego t rescue himself, surrenders himself to the Divine through a beautiful
hymn, tow of the verse of which are as follows.
take refuge in the Self-existing Being, in Whom is this universe, from whom is
the universe, by Whom is this universe, and Who Himself is this universe, and
Who is also beyond the effects and causes constituting this universe.
down by Whose Maya Power of ego-awareness, this human soul does not know (Him
Who is) its own true Self- I take refuge in that Blessed Lord of incomprehensible
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