Monday 16 June 2014
True Leader
A crucial part of the success
equation of a person demands that the aspirant need to be lightly intelligent,
skilled knowledgeable and experienced as well as energetic determined, forceful
and charismatic. Analytical reasoning, big picture thinking, visionary mindset
and inherent charisma are needed to lead a team. But is that all? Is it enough
to have technical and cognitive sills alone? What about the emotional aspect?
The fact is that even a high degree
of emotional intelligence is the major differentiating factor that can
transform with technical and cognitive skills into a true leader. Sometimes we
come across people with high I.Q levels still struggling in their work. Even
extraordinary talent is often rendered useless sans the key ingredient of
emotional perspicacity

Though emotionally intelligent
leaders look to soft, and nice, they can confront sticky situations with extreme
self confidence and behave assertively when necessary. But does this mean to
say that good technical skills are irrelevant? No, they are essential drivers
of a leader. According to Daniel Goleman, the author of Emotional intelligence
and co –author of Primal Leadership, they do matter but mainly they are
threshold capabilities as they are entry level requirements for executive
positions. But without emotional intelligence, as the study suggests, is the
sine qua non of leadership, it can make one a star. The success of many leaders
in various field proves that emotional intelligence is the most essential
ingredient of excellent performance . so be emotionally balanced and
intelligent besides cultivating technical skills to become a good leader.
uote from the True charm and power
of Vedanta
I don’t believe that there will come
a time when all the evil in the world will vanish. How could that be? This
stream goes on Massess of water go out at one end, but masses are coming in at
the other end.
The Vedanta says that you are pure
and perfect, and that there is a state beyond good and evil, and that is your
own nature; it is higher even than good . Good is only a lesser differentiation
than evil.
We have no theory of evil. We call
it ignorance,
So far as it goes all dealing with
other people , all ethics, is in the phenomenal world. As a most complete
statement of truth , we could not think
of applying such thins as ignorance to God. Of him we say that He is existence
. knowledge and Bliss Absolute. Every effort of thought and speech will make
the Absolute phenomenal and break . its character
here is one thing to be remembers.
That the assertion –I am God-cannot be made with regard to the sense world. If
you say in the sense-world that you are God, what is to prevent your doing
wrong? So, the affirmation of your divinity. Applies only to the nominal. If I
am God, I am . beyond the tendencies of the senses and will not do evil.
Morality of course is not he goal of man, but that means through which this
freedom is attained . the Vedanta says
that yoga is one way that makes men realize this divinity . the Vedanta says
this is done by realization of the freedom within and that everything will give
way to that . morality and ethics will all range themselves in their proper
We have a place for struggle in the
Vedanta , but nor for fear. All fears will vanish when you begin to assert your
own nature. If you think that you are bound, bound you will remain, if you
think you are free, free you will be
That sort of freedom which we can
feel when we are yet in the phenomenal is a glimpse of the real but not yet the
There is really no difference
between matter, mind, and Spirit. They are only different phases of
experiencing . one This very world is seen by the five senses as matter, by the
very wicked as hell, by the good as heaven, and by the perfect as God.
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