Monday 26 May, 2014
Silence is Golden
Respect for everyone can pave the
way for future benefits and prevent stumbling blocks on your march to progress
in life. If you have nothing nice to say to a person, do not say anything at
all. Wrong words may come out somewhere and they can put in danger your image
and career for a long time. Be neutral on controversies; do not say something
when you are not sure what the effect will be. Do not allow your mood to
dictate how you behave in your office environment interact with people as much
as you can. Respect your co-workers and their work. Learn to see good things in
people and praise them.
Prayer Holding hands together.
Gesture made with the hands have
meaning that are understood in many parts of the world. Every gesture with hand
conveys some meaning. A beckoning hand generally means “come here”. When the
first thumb is held upwards, it means something good. But the thumb if held
downwards would mean something bad.
Crossing the fingers denotes good
luck. Hoking the hands together is regarded a sprayer. But in Asian counties
including India holding the hands together means greeting a person
When a student in the classroom
raises the hand , he called the teacher’s attention when both hands are raised
above the head. It means surrender. Waving of the hands means saying farewell.
A handshake means sign of friendship
Some facts about Trees.
An acre of trees produces 4 tons of
oxygen enough for 18 people to live on for one year
Trees filter dust and pollen. They
absorb chemical pollutants from the airs.
Trees help reduce noise by 50
percent . they serve as windbreakers.
Some trees with their large leaves
break the force of the rain.
As a result the rain water falls to
the ground gently and passes through holes into the soil. This helps prevent
the top soil being washed away.
A tree can drink up to 60 gallons of
water a day . it can absorb moisture that passes out through leaves
Quote from The true Charm and power
of Vedanta
Each soul is potentially divine. The
goal is to manifest this Divinity within by controlling nature, external and
internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or
philosophy-by one or more or all of these –and be free. This is the whole of
religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or rituals, or books, or temples , or forms ,
are but secondary details.
Janna (knowledge) is cheerlessness’
but that does not mean that it despises creeds. It only means that a stage
above and beyond creeds has been gained. the Janai (true philosopher) strives
to destroy nothing but all. All rivers roll their waters into the sea and
become one. So all creeds should lead to Jnana and become one. Jnana teaches
that the world should be renounced but not on that account abandoned. To live in the world and not to be
of it is the true test of renunciation.

Reincarnation is the evolution of
nature and the manifestation of the God within.
The Vedanta says that each life is
built upon the past, and that when we can look back over the whole past we are
free. The desire to be free will take the form of religious disposition from
childhood. A few years will , as it were make all truth clear to one. After
leaving this life , and while waiting for the next , a man is still in the
The struggle never had meaning for
the man who is free. But for us it has a meaning, because it is name and form
that creates the world.
I cannot see how it can be otherwise
than that all knowledge is stored up to us from the beginning . if you and I
are little waves in the ocean, then that ocean is the background.
We would describe the soul in these
words. This soul the sword cannot cut, nor the spear pierce, the fire cannot
burn no rawer melt it, indestructible omnipresent in this soul. Therefore wee
not for it.