Monday 14h April 2014
I Am Free When I Accept The Freedom of Others
I am free when I have loves persons
and things, and when , because of my love, they are more free and I am less
I am free when I believe in God who
has created everything in freedom,
I am free when I accept the freedom
of others
I am free when I succeed in being a
I am free when I succeed in
discovering the goodness that exists in everything created.
I am free when I know how to give myself
to others. Without demanding that I possess them in return.
I am free when I can speak to God as
a friend.
I am free when I can speak to God as
a friend.
I am free when I am aware that other
men need me.
I am free when I believe in other
I am free when I am aware that other
men need me.
I am free when when I believe in
other people.
I am free when I feel ashamed at the
enslavement of my neighbor.
I am free if I am able to give my
life for a man rather than for an idea.
I am free when I know for sure that
everything created helps me to realize and discover myself.
I am free when I love the welfare of
my neighbor More than my own freedom.
I am free when my freedom is worth
more than money.
Take constructive risks in your life
. The more you master the courage to do the things you truly want for yourself,
the more effective you will become at living happily.
Lemon –Remedy For Multiple Ailments.
Once the seasonal summer heat sets
in , we run for a cool shade and stretch our hand for chilled drink. Yes, it is
time to think of a way to heat the heat, When we thin of the hot summer season,
we certainly think of our ‘desi’ drink, lemonade which not only quenches our
thirst but also stre3nthens us with its rich Vitamin , C supplements. Vitamin C
is an all important immunity increasing agent. Ten grams of lemons juice contain about 25-63 mg of vitamins, besides
small proportions of vitamins A and B. Help yourselves generously with lemon
juice, sugar, and a pinch of salt, added to water.
Besides being tasty source to quench
our thirst. Lemon is very effective in relieving coughs, colds and influenza.
It destroys toxins in the body
formed due to excessive acidity.
It works as a good remedy for
constipation loss of appetite, indigestion, dyspepsia, arthritis, rheumatism,
backaches, sciatica, gout, nervous ailments.
Lemons strengths gums and teeth and
is extensively used n treating gumboils and other gum troubles , it prevents
and cures pyorrhea and other oral disease.

Useful in treating asthma and
Taken on empty stomach it destroys
germs . it also expels gases formed in the digestive track and improves
Lemon contains pectin which is
effective in overcoming bleeding tendencies occurring internally e.g. in the
lungs, stomach intestine, uterus and kidneys.
It is effective for sore throats and
During measles and fevers, it serves
as a thirst quenching drink and also gives relief in ailments like nausea and
Lemon is a beauty aid too. It helps
in weight reduction, helps in curing scalp problems , and general skin
disorders. And external application of lemon juice to the skin is useful for
pimples and for pain caused by mosquito bites and bug bits.
Quote from the True Charm and Power
of Vedanta
If you dare declare that you are
fee, free you are this moment. If you say you are bound, bound you will remain.
This is what Advaita boldly declares. I have told you the ideas of the
dualists. You can take whichever you like.
This highest ideal of Vedanta’s is
very difficult to understand, and people are always quarrelling about it. And
the greatest difficulty is that when they get hold of certain ideas. They deny
the fight other ideas. Take up what suits you, and let others take up what they
need. If you are desirous of clinging to his little individuality , to this
limited manhood, remain in it. Have all these desires, and be content and
pleased with them. If your experience of manhood has been very good and nice,
retain it as long as you like; and you can do so for you are the maker so your
own fortunes. None can compel you to give up your manhood. You will be men as
long as you like ; none can prevent you . if you want to be angels, you will be
angels, that is the law. But there may be others who do not want to be angels
even. What right have you to think that there is a horrible notion? You may be
frightened to lose a hundred pounds , but there may be others who would not
even wink if they lost all the money they had in wht world. There have been
such men and still there are. Why do you dare to judge them according to your
standard ? you cling on to your limitations, and these little worldly ideas may
be your highest ideal. You are welcome to them. It will be to you as you wish.
But there are others who have seen the truth and cannot rest in these things
and want to get beyond . The world with all its enjoyments is a mere mud-puddle
for them. Why to you want to bind them down to your ideas? You must get rid of
this tendency once for all. Accord a place to everyone.
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