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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tremendous Power of attitude.

Monday 30 December 2013

Tremendous Power of attitude.

Psychologists have always told us that attitudes can influence results . Two scientists decided to conduct an experiment to find out if attitudes could affect seeds.

Two identical cans were taken into each was purred soil and fertilizer of the same quality and quality and same number of seeds were dropped into each can. They were both placed in a green house so that they could have the same conditions of weather and temperature.

There was only one change in the experiment , all other thins being the same. Everyday, the two scientists came to the green house and standing before the first can, purred into it all the negative words which they were capable, of.

They said to the seeds , “ You are good for nothing. Nothing is ever going to come out of you and even if something comes out. It is not going to last”, and so on and so forth. Then they came and stood in front of the second can and pured into it all the positive words which they were capable of .

“You are so wonderful”, they said to the seeds and you are going to show wonderful results. It will be a sight to see what is coming out of you” and so on and so fort.

This was repeated thrice a day for three weeks . at the end of the third week, the scientists found that while there came forth only two or three shoots of grass out of the first ca, out of the second can, there came fourth whole strands of grass, so strong that they could clutch and lift up the entire can with the soil and fertiliser. If this is what attitude can do to seeds think what it can do to human being (Courtesy :”The Vision”)

Know Your Culture

Why do we worship the Kalasaha?

First of all what is kalasah? A brass mud or coper pt is filled with water. Mango leaves are placed in the mouth of the pot and coconut is place over it. A red or white thread is tied around its neck or sometimes all around . it in an intricate diamond shaped pattern. Such a pot is known as a kalasha, when the pot is filled with water or rice, it is known as Purnakumha representing the inative body which when filled with the Divine life force, gains the power to do all the wonderful thins that make life what it is.

A kalasha is placed with due rituals on all important occasions like the traditional house worming (grahpravesa), wedding, daily worship etc. it is placed near the entrance as sign of welcome . it is also used in a traditional manner while receiving holy personages.

Why to we worship the kalasa?

Before the creation come into being. Lord Vishnu was reclining n His snake bed in the milky ocean. From His navel emerged a Lotus from which appeared Lord Brhama, the Creator, who thereafter created this world. The water in the kalasha symbolises the primordial water from which the entire creation emerged. The leaves and coconut represent creation. The threat represents the love that “binds” all in creation . The kalasha is therefore considered suspicious and worshipped .

The waters from all the holdy rivers . the knowledge of all the Vedas and the blessings of all the deities are invoked in the klasha and its water is thereafter used for all the rituals, including the abhisheka, and the consecration (kumhbabhisheka) of temple .

When the Asuras and the Devas churned the milkly ocean, the Lord appeared bearing the pot of Nectar, which blessed one with everlasting life. Thus the Kalasha also symbolises immortality.

We greet Men of Wisdom with a Purnakumbha (full pot) acknowledging their greatness and as a sign of respectful and revertible welcome.

Simple remedies for cold and cough

You can catch cold on a fine summer day just by taking a dip and then having a drink of ice-cold water.

There are some time tested remedies of folk medicine.

Potatoes; They must be cooked with their skins until the skins split. Strain of the water and breathe in the steam through the narrow opening of a paper cone for 15 mintues. Two or three such inhalation siting will bring you relief from cough. In the night before going to bed. Drink a glass of hot milk, adding on it spoonful of honey

Mustard plasters are very good for cold and should be applied t both the chest and the back. In olden times mustard plasters used to be made of mustard flour mixed with water until it got the consistency of a think porridge.

Garlic : Its bactericidal properties were discovered hundred of years ago.

Begin by chewing a small piece of garlic, thus sterilising your mouth. Cut antoher piece into thin blades and smell them. If you have no garlic ready, take an onion, grate it squeeze out the juice and soak some cotton wool and smell it for 15 minutes . repeat this three times a day and your cold will be relieved

Onion ; it is an effective remedy for cough. Cut 500 grams of onions add 50 grams of honey and 400 grams of sugar and heat the mixture in one litre of water for three hours . take six tablespoonfuls of it every day.

If the cough is dry there is another tested remedy which may prove very effective. It is granulated sugar. Heat it in a teaspoon until it become brown . suck the piece every time you feel an urge in cough.

Raspberries; Keep raspberry jam ready. It is added to hot tea and drunk before going to bed to get relief from cold.

Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta

O My mind, just reflect, you have spent your entire life in eating and drinking but still it has not quenched your thirst and huger. How long will you lie in this deadly sleep of ignorance deluded by maya? Wake up, O mind, wake up and meditate upon the lotus feet of God, the remover of all delusions.

O my mind , how can you relish the foul smell of this world when there is beautiful fragrance, like that of the sandal wood in your own heart. The wise search within and enjoy the fragrance within.

O my mind, just turn your eyes within and you will see the Lord Himself seated there. The more you dwell on Him the more you will advance in spiritual life.


I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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