All About 7th Haven
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
For a Healthy and Happy Life
Monday, 18, November
For a Healthy and Happy Life
Secret for longevity is adopting a
right and positive attitude . it is about giving oneself a moment rest from
living life on the fast track it is about listening to what our body is trying
to tell us. We do not even realise when the sun rises and when it sets! Days, months and often
years, pass by without our having given enough thought to our emotional, mental
or physical well-being.
Scientist believe that human beings have survival capacity of 100 years. Do we realise that because of the misuse, we subject ourselves to irregular and stressful lives we lead? We hardly live half our lfie spans. The stress, anxieties , fears an the physical ills that we surround ourselves with, lead to such shallow breathing that the human body degreases much faster. Given below are some very important facts that could change our lives.
Deadly Four; weight Blood Pressure, cholesterol and controlled, and blood sugar. If these are well controlled , chances are that you are on the road to good health. In fact, it is not one of the said factors , but their combined effect that causes greater harm.
Stress , a phenomenon that seems closely associated with our present day life style, affects everybody from the young to the old and is the key factor that develops this life threatening combination of the “deadly” four. We often react to prolonged stress by smoking tobacco chewing, over-eating , drinking too much and exercising too little , all of which only add fuel to fire.
Watch your Tempera: if you are the irritable and angry type, you are more prone to having a heart attack. In such cases, mediation and yoga helps.
Cheer Up: Strive to be happy and cheerful. Depression increases the risk of heart attacks, four fold! Make sure you walk regularly or exercise.
Watch your Belly : obesity , especially of the upper half of the body is an open invitation to heart dieses, diabetes and other diseases. In take of diets that are rich in whole grains. fruits and vegetable are advisable . avoid saturated fats, salt and sugar.
Go easy on your Bad Habits; Heavy drinking (alcoholism) and cigarette smoking promote abdominal fat storage. Excessive coffee intake too increase the risk of hypertension . turn a teetotaller or drink occasionally.
Tone up your metabolism ;
Metabolic fitness that is measured by how well the body uses up the insulin,
work towards talking heart diseases; stroke and diabetes.
Health Tip; Chew or boil and drink 20 curry leaves on an empty stomach, every morning.
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
Let us humbly seek our ideal and serve Him in every thought, word and action,. We cannot form and absolute ideal with the finite mind. But our ideal will grow and gradually become vast and all embracing, as the unbounded Deity within us is able to manifest more and more His greatness. When he fills our whole heart, all pettiness and ignorance and self-seeking will vanish; and instead of thinking ourselves great through self importance, we shall feel ourselves great only in Him. Let us never forget that without His strength we are weak, with out His support we are sure to stumble ; but that if we will turn to Him whenever we have need of help. He will never fail to lead us out of the darkness and fill our groping mind with the light of understanding.
The sooner we turn to God, the better it will be for us; because as we delay , we retard our evolution and growth. He is the very essence of our being, our only Resting place, our one safe Guide and Protector. When we realize this and offer ourselves in complete surrender at His feet, then will he take our life, bless it, consecrate it and fill it full of divine beauty and holiness.
This world is like a garden and there is a care-taker for it. Dive deep into
your heart. Never think that it is empty. Deep in your heart lives the Master
of this garden.
O my mind! You are not aware of the fountain of bliss within you. Even a glimpse of that joy will make you wonder struck.
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
Illustrated live Reviews. India won two test series with innings defeat and wi sedond innges finished in 47 over scored on 187/10 man of the match got 10 wk, and get a Lucky7 charm email id
Sunday, November 10, 2013
A loving friend adds to our happiness.
Monday, 11, November
A loving friend adds to our happiness.
It is proved that the power of associating with good and reliable friends is strong . Man in the company of his talented and virtuous friends is influenced by them and he too exerts and influence upon them. It is said that the man who walks with wise friends shall be wise but a friend of fools without social and educational background shall be spoiled . experience has shown this to be true.
He that lives with cripples learns to limp. He that roams with wolves learns to howl. An English proverb says. “He that lies down with dogs shall rise with fleas . one bad apple does not keep the other apples good. It rots the rest of the apples too causing sever damage.
We cannot live among people who
have differing ideas from our ideas because we will be influenced by their
reasoning . either we change them or they will change us!
We need friends to help us lead a good and noble life. They should not tempt us to rebel against values in life. A whole hearted , self-sacrificing. Loving friend strengthens us in time of trouble and adds to our happiness in time of joy and success.
Enthusiasm-vital factor for success.
When we think of enthusiasm. We often thin of the joyful sprit of a football game where the spectator is a fan a short from of fanatic . the trick is to develop that same enthusiasm about reaching our goals.
There is nothing more boring than a dull TV show or a game played with no intensity. But add zest and excitement to these and what happens? The TV commands our complete attention, and the game brings us to our feet.
Life must have zest to be enjoyed . People to be successful. Must be excited about life. Look at the enthusiasm with which a healthy ,happy, child approaches life. It is a sad fact that too many o fus lose that zeal along the way, for whatever reason,. We can sometimes recapture it for a few minutes as at a ball game. But the world belongs to the person. Who can keep that fire burning all the time.
Enthusiasm is an attitude of curiosity, confidence and expectation along with a bit of risk and daring.
A basic requirement for achieving your goals is positive thinking but that positive thinking must be fired up with action. The spark is enthusiasm. The degree of your courage is in direct proportion to the amount of enthusiasm you possess.
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
This is the purpose of all spiritual practice-to fortify us against that moments of trial and enable us to stand firmly, so that we may not lose our higher point of view and turn aside from the path. When we are able to make God a living Presence in our life, then His light will shed its radiance even in the hours of darkness and sadness.. this living consciousness of the Presence, however, cannot be forced. The veil must drop from mind. We must not allow ourselves to be intoxicated by unwholesome influence of the world, but we must open ourselves wholly to the more powerful influence of God. Nothing helps us to do this so much as the sprit of consecration.
But we should never talk of it. It is something to be expressed silently, as the flower opens in silence and unperceived; but that silent , enduring service to God will generate a power more potent than any material force we know.
The sun reflects in many pots of water, but is only one. Similarly though appearing in different bodies the Atman is one. This is true knowledge. Knowing this truth one should learn to respect all. This identification with all leads to self knowledge.
Lord Krishna is playing the flute in the Vridavan of our Heart, Blessed is he who is able to hear that sweet sound which leads to eternal happiness and peace.
As long as the Divine Spirit dwells in this body so long people honour and respect it. The moment the Divine being discards this body making it dead no one approaches the inert body. It is taken to the cremation ground.
But If He Exist
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
Illustrated live Reviews. 7th heaven LIVE moment of the week FEDEROR WON as 77. India won first test as wi were all out 168/10 , Rohit sharma got man of the series score the most 177, tendulkar were out on 10 and get a Lucky7 charm email id
Sunday, November 3, 2013
How to acquire peace of mind
Monday, 4 November
How to acquire peace of mind
Popularity , honour, power, none of these brings peace of mind. In the modern world with its tension and conflicting personal relationships, peace of mind can be acquired by the process of constant effort.
By self effort you can have peace of mind. You can start developing it within yourself. To find peace of mind you have to stop worrying and start living. If you have personal or emotional problems , make a timely decision about them, but do not let them keep eating you.
Your feeling and emotions can hep you to a very great extent. They can equally take you down hill. They are like fire that can cook you food but can burn your house too. Your feeling and emotions must be wisely directed and compelled to work for your success.
Too much driving ambition, like a runway horse, can drag you and injure you. Set your targets within the bounds of your capabilities. Constant dissatisfaction with your self takes the joy out o living.
Takes life easy . Your body – a delicate machine cannot be operated at top speed all day. And some time every day, take time to rest.
Do not put off the work you have to do today. Postponement of work will rob you peace of mind. You cannot be happy. When you keep thinking about the work you wanted to do but have hot done it!
Do not struggle against problems of life that cannot be overcome. Try to ride with them, whether they are caused by people or by circumstances.
You should make use of your leisure properly – Adopt a hobby- a pleasurable pursuit for spending your spare time. Garden work, photography, collection and study of stamps coins and antiques, etc. are some of the hobbies you can practise for pleasure and profit.
Above all have faith. There is no peace of mind without faith in something. Oneself, ones work and a noble cause. A genuine attempt to live by so the principles is a familiar path to peace of mind.
Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta
What we need is the understanding sprit, the love element. By that I means we must learn to love the task we are performing . Any machine which does not receive sufficient lubrication will break very fast, and it is the element of understanding of love, which keeps our human machine well –oiled. No one can do his work properly unless he has feeling. A person with cut and dried attitude. May try to do his duty, but he will not be really productive. Many charitable organizations are like that. They are excellent instructions, but they seem to be untouched by human beings to destroy the finer part of their life and become like machines. We may direct a machine, we may use it, but we must have intelligence and feeling in abundance it is not an arduous task to put these ideas and ideals into practice. What we do now with small selfish mind, we can do just as well with idealistic motive. It with refresh us. Instead of feeling crushed and broken down by our work, we shall be filled with energy , we shall have retest inspiration.
What is it to you, whether some one claps his bands inspired by your lecture or sleeps off bored by it. Why get affected? You are the Atman the Eternal witness.
What is it to you, whether you get good food or have to go without much foot . It is the body’s experience. You are the Atman , the Eternal Witness.
What if you are a great thinker and are able to impress people through your power of logic and arguments. It is your intellect that acts. You are the Atman, the Eternal Witness of the intellect.
What if you have executed various projects and schemes successfully. You say, ‘I have done, I have done it . it has nothing to do with you . it is only your ego sense. You are the Atman, the Eternal Witness of the ego.
But If He Exist
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
Illustrated live Reviews. No 7 of sa got plyer of the match. SA 183/10 Pak 182/10 , India won 7th oneday by 57 runs, player of the match made 209, djokovic won thousand master 7,7 and get a Lucky7 charm email id
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