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Monday, October 28, 2013

Mind and Meditation

Monday, 28th  November

Mind and Meditation

Every body will say that we should control our mind, is it possible? If everybody could achieve this, there would not have been any problem n the world.

The mind is restless, turbulent, powerful and stubborn. But the mind can be controlled with practice and calmness. Through the control of mind , one can attain illumination. Such a person succeeds, even in adverse circumstances. The person may still face the trials  and tribulations of life. But he never lacks the courage and strength to face the. When a person controls his mind. His higher nature asserts itself and his bidden powers are  released . Persons without self-control will not even retain the prosperity they have . in some situations , we do things knowing fully well that it is not the right thing to do. And there are situations in which we act suddenly without knowing what is right or wrong . wrong action results in mental turmoil.

What are the difficulties faced while are the difficulties faced while trying to control the mind? Strong likes or dislikes, attachments or aversions, living an immoral life, harming others, taking intoxicants, inquisitiveness about others affairs, finding fault with others, being egocentric jealous of others prosperity, are the subjects which makes controlling the mind difficult. The human mind is like a drunken monkey stung by a scorpion.

Attachment to worldly objects are the most powerful impediments in the task of controlling the mind. When attachments are removed, dislikes and mistaken beliefs also leave us easily. The mind is restless due to the impurities of the mind impulses and emotions such as envy, hatred , anger, fear, jealously, lust, greed, temptation are the impurities, of the mind. When impurities are removed, the mind will be sharp to observe even the faintest of the vibrations.

The mind follows the wandering senses as the wind carries a boat off its course on the waters. Mediation helps to clam down the mind and to control the mind. The mind has to be gradually and systematically brought under control.

Mind development can be achieved through mediation. Many scientist are now propagating what our ancient Rishis and Saints practised and have been saying for thousands of yeas hat mediation and repetition of mantra can help to calm the mind. In the recent study on hypertensive people by the researchers of Harvard University found that transcendental mediation can actually reduce stress and help to avoid heart disease.

Swami Vivekanada said before we control the mind, we must study it . we have to seize the unstable mind and drag it form its wanderings and fix it on the idea. Over and over again. Must be done . in the beginning during th process of controlling the mind, many revolting thoughts,will come to our mind. As the pactixe continues, the trubulence of mind may increase for some time Gradually the mijn’s eccentricties will loose their strength. The link between the sense organs and sense objects is the mind . when the mind is withdrawn from sense-objects, the sense organs also withdraw from their objects.

Mediation helps to control the mind. Through the body we experience the world of objects though the mind we experience the world of emotions and through the intellect we experience the world of thoughts.

Controlling thoughts is one step towards controlling the mind. Methodical control of thought is a greet secret in controlling the mind  in the initial stage, thought control is to entertain good thoughts in its highest stage thought control means complete cessation of thought . to control of thought. To control thought keep the company of good people with noble thoughts and avoid evil company . evil company brings the dislikes out t the surface.

To control the mind, two sets of inner disciplines are necessary . when one notices that a big waves of anger is just rising in the mind, one should raise a contrary wave, a wave of love fast. After the anger has set in, this method will not work. But impress the fact on your mind that anger is self –destructive.

Food habits also play an important role in controlling the mind. Train the mind to be simple , intelligent, sensitive and enthusiastic it is a mind which has value for truthfulness and straightforwardness, rather than deceit and falsehood.

A pure mind enjoys making others happy, whether it is man or animal. He thus takes every opportunity to serve others around . he ever transgress the freedom of others , nor imposes thing son others just because the likes them . such a mind alone is called a pure mind . it is indeed a great asset to have such a mind . Knowledge , therefore comes easily to them, with least possible effort.

Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta

O may mind, the one whom you are searching in temple and holy places desperately is hiding within your heart and is smiling at your foolishness..

Everyone sings the glory of the heart, because it is a dwelling place of God. If you want to interact with Him. Then you must turn your mind within.

What a great delusion that the Supreme Self, the knower of past, present and future, has assumed the form of jiva and working like a slave under the delusive power of maya, forgets His real glory.

There is not separate jiva, it is never created . God Himself appears in different forms wearing the grad o name and forms , and forgets His real nature.


But If He Exist

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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