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Monday, October 21, 2013


Monday, 21st  November


According to Professor Cyril Northcote Parkinson, a well known English Political Scientist the secret of leadership is composed of six aspects.

Imagination can be described as an ability to picture alternative goals in succession. It aids a leader to choose wisely in the planning and execution . in  the ultimate attainment, one can reach the stage of a visionary , which I s, of course, given to only a few individuals.

Knowledge is priceless need of a leader, it is from the figment of knowledge he has collected in the past, that he can plan a course to reach his destination. Proper knowledge alone gives the man required confidence to attain his goals, it is the lack of confidence that makes people to show hot temper, indulge in faultfinding and bullying and shouting techniques. The truth is, there are no bad soldiers-only bad officers.

Ability is skill a leader has in guiding others to perform their tasks to the best of their ability . This ability will make the leader do things which other people find difficult.

Determination is the unfettering belief in one’s capacity to do the job . it sparks in the followers the necessary confidence to do their job well.

Ruthlessness is a discredited quality in our society but one cannot achieve distinction without  this quality for the following reason.

The idle, the disloyal and the fake have to be dislodge. (b) Where such elements are not  curbed, it is the willing and able persons who have to bear all the burden. This is a situation that cannot last long, without affecting the morale of the willing workers (c) O4rganisational ability can only be improved by rewarding the fit and punishing the unfit (d) Credit must be given when due otherwise it will be meaningless to be creditworthy.

8.        `professor Parkinson did not believe in the theory that leadership is  a quality with which the man is born. Nor, it can be learnt in schools and college Leadership is an art that can be acquired with effort and no qualification is necessary!

You will be happy

Do not believe everything you hear, do not do everything that you desire to do, do not tell all you know do not use all you have , do not buy everything you see, then you will always be happy.


Golden words

The writer describe LIFE , the poet sings about it.

If you listen to a LIAR long enough you will find the truth.

Unused KNOWLEDGE is a buried treasure.

A bad HABIT starts as a visitor, then becomes a guest and finally your host.

A rare GUEST is a welcome one.

Tell me with whom you go out and I will tell you how you come home.

GOOD AND BAD are as sure as day and night.

To be GREAT and also be to GOOD is a rare blessing.


Jokes Budding poet Milo : What do you think of my last poem?

Editor: Well; It is a great pleasure to hear that it is your last!


Quote from the true charm and power of Vedanta

There are some people who talk little and accomplish more, while others talk much and accomplish nothing. Though a man may speak very glibly on religion on the great ideals of love, service and brotherhood. That does not make him religious . but if he is  a doer of the law;  even in a small measure. If he knows how to direct , his life and its forces, he will not only be religious, he will be a better, stronger human being and his influence will reach other. This is what I call practical religion- a religion productive of good , of men and women of an inspiring type. not the morbid religion which merely clings to dogma, Not that!

One of the most interesting studies in life is to note how our false concept can distort even a holy example, so that it no longer bears any resemblance to the original idea. For instance, the average man look upon the world of religion as entirely apart from active life. He thinks that in order to become religious one must abandon worldly activities and assume a mournful, repentant attitude. This is not a true conception of religion. What good will even the loftiest ideal do us or our fellowman, if we do not life it and bring it to fruition? Unless it gives us some thing definite and sure it might just as well to exist for us. The whole purpose of religion and philosophy is to give us that which is inspiring , elevating and constructive . merely going to  church or professing a creed, whether it be Christianity or Buddhism or any ism is not active religion. It is not practical religion it is mockery . it is degradation for the soul of the individual and for the soul of the race. It can only produce hypocrites and fanatics.


True religion we carry into our outer activities; we make it alive , alert productive; if a person does nothing and gives nothing for the benefit of his fellows, how do we know he is religious ? merely upholding a theory has no value. If we have high ideals we must express them in our lives. This problem confronts us all. Whether we are laymen or in the religious life makes no difference what soever. We are living souls ; we have to be active. These are the ideals of Karma Yoga, the great Indian system. Of right action. It proclaims that religion is not only for the man who is inactive. On the contrary it holds that the man who is active and energetic, who is constantly doing something in the world has just as much right to enter the kingdom of heaven as the hermit without duties and without obligation. It pays great tribute to the people who live in the world and keep their ideal intact. They are the heroes.



But If He Exist

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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