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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Find The Leader In You


Monday, 3rd June 2013

Find The Leader In You

Many a time you find yourself in a situation where you have to solve a problem simply because none else in the group could do something about it. How would you go about it?

Sometimes a situation is trusted on you by your friends and acquaintances. It may be a project or something similar to it. They compel you to take it up as they feel you have the needed potential and skill to finish it successfully or are you the exact opposite , that is you manage to lose yourself in group? Even otherwise if someone notices you and tries to give an assignment that calls for your initiative and decision making. What do you do in such a situation? Do you beg off with some excuses?

When such a situation arises, do you have what it takes to lead, to imitate action, to make decisions for yourself or for the  group? In short , are you a leader.?

In today’s world , a person is often thrown into situations that require thinking, action and ability to make spot decision. Then what makes a leader? Whatever may be the definition, a leader is one who initiates action, maintains discipline, and is aware of his group’s needs besides having some special qualities such as courage, enthusiasm, self confidence, sense of humour etc that sets him apart from others.

In order to problem into ourselves, to know whether we posses leadership qualities , we must put to ourselves certain questions, such as whether we can accept challenges, face difficult and baffling situations, consider how fast we can react and spur to actin, how well we can manage friends and acquaintances to get them do what needs to be done and how well you think and plan to resolve a problem or a conflict . Most importantly yo u must know whether  you can get along with a self –motivated, responsible and knowledgeable groups or a lazy, defiant and less knowledgeable one.

When you probe thus you must find in yourself your weaknesses and strengths. A good leader is one who manages to get things done through others people; He directs and encourages toehrs to do what needs to be done.

A leader will have patience and perseverance to explain and achieve the objects of a project. He must be able to elicit the co-operative  of his group members with less resistance. If these potentialities  are found in you, you must put them to proper use.

Leadership can be acquired through training, discipline right attitude and the will to cultivate it. You must understand that only few have the privilege to lead and that you too can do so, provided you cultivate leadership qualities patiently. You should be calm, with presence of mind, and acquire the capability 1o think of a solution to a problem. Remember, a good leader does not hesitate to accept the responsibility attached to the job. You must gain the ability to learn from mistakes and failures and learn to improve with experience. This quality marks out the leader  from a mere follower. Once you learn thus your ability to teach and train you subordinates makes. You  a good leader. This is necessary so that one can delegate tasks. Remember, only an experienced workman. Can rectify the mistakes and if necessary takes u the job on to his shoulders. In his subordinate’s absence.

Sometimes you may have some though nuts to tackle in your group. You must learn the fact of tackling them by properly relating to them. In later stages you will succeed in eventually making them work.

Therefore, a good leader is definitely one who is in full control and on top of everything; he is able to devise a system that allows him the flexibility and privilege of knowing what is going on. Whether or not he is present. Cultivate the above qualities, and see whether it makes a lot of difference in your life.

Love them Any way

People are unreasonable illogical and self-centred.

Love them any way!

If you do good, people will accuse you  of selfish ulterior motives.

Do good anyway!

If you are successful , you will win, false friends and true enemies.

Succeed anyway!

The good you do to-day will be forgotten tomorrow.

Do good anyway!

Honesty and frankness make you face harmfulness.

Be honest and frank anyway!

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight

Build anyway!

Some people complain about the print , when all they need is better eye glasses.

A prediction of the future based on the past , for which the forecaster demands payment in the present.

Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta

The love of God, therefore, is the surest safeguard for all people and all time. It we cannot help serving those who are stronger than ourselves in every way ,it is always advisable to serve one who is the strongest in the whole universe. God is that one Being without a second, who is the infinite repository of all that is good or desirable, and in whom no evil has any place. He is omnipotent and omniscient, without any equal or superior. Thus, if somehow or other we can make friends with Him, realizing Him either as Father or master, or safety here as well as hereafter is ensured.


But, if He exists?

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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