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Monday, May 6, 2013

Respect every human Being


Monday, 6th May 2013

Respect every human Being

We have several wonderful scriptures, for example , srimad Bhagavatam, it is a very holy book in which a Divine being taking a human form tells us. “If you insult me in human beings; Do not worship me in an image in a temple. I will not accept that worship”

That was the wrong we in India did in the past centuries. We insulted God n man and worshipped Him only in the temple . so nothing happened to us except political slavery and foreign invasions.

Now we have learned this lesson. All this distinction of caste and creed must be put to an end to Respect every human being. The divinity hidden within all. Among the verses in the Srimad Bhagavatam referred to above God in His human form as Kapila gives the advice to Devahuti, his mother . Here is the meaning of that famous verse.

“Worship Me in all being as their self who are already my temples by removing their left wats and respecting them with an attitude of friendliness and non –separateness”.

Swami  Vivekananda referred to the central theme of this verse in his lecture on “Future of India” delivered in Madras in 1897. “Do not merely serve people but worship them. “ he said, service with respect becomes worship . There is divinity in every human being. Therefore, worship Me in every human being. I have built a temple for myself in everyone of them. Worship Me, not  merely serve Me.

How to worship God in men? It can be done by removing their earthly wants. If they are hungry, find food, if they are unemployed find employment for them, If they are suffering  from diseases, find medical treatment for them. In every way, try to remove their felt wants. That is called “Daana” . While doing so, also respect them. Do not look down upon them. What a beautiful idea of inter human relations?-Then comes a friendly attitude . “ I am your friend “

When town people go to village to help the villagers , the villagers suspect them. People there have been exploited all the time. So make them realise that you are their friend. Then comes a wonderful word, an attitude of non –separateness. There is the same  Atman in you and in me.

Serve people respect them. Look upon them as a spank of the divine whether they are Christians, Muslims Hindu or low class” This ancient Vedantic message India receives today from Sri Ramakrishna Swami Vivekananda and Holy Mother Sarada Devi through both teaching and example Except from his speech delivered at Madurai)

Find True Happiness within You Heart

Hopelessness, anxiety, worry and irritability cannot cure the ills against which they are directed. They only add more misery to the troubles hat prompt them. The cultivation of a calm spirit cannot be overlooked  if lie is to yield any measure of usefulness and happiness. Even greater troubles, which annoy, would soon dissolve and disappear if confronted with a temper that refuses to be disturbed. Personal aims, wishes , sachems, and pleasure will meet with checks, rebuffs and obstacles;  and it is in learning to meet these reverses in wise and calm spirit that we find the true and abiding happiness with our heart .

Quote from the Cham and power of Vedanta

As thought guides all our bodily activities , so the Sages found that thought was the best medium for directing this life force. How little attention we pay to this great instrument which is placed in our hands by God Almighty! How often we abuse or misuse it! Yet our actions can never produce the best results until our thoughts are properly regulated. Only as we cease to dissipate our mental energies and are able to establish a balance between our outer and our inner activates, between our body and our mind , can we hope to have either peace or strength.

But, if He exists?

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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