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Sunday, May 12, 2013

What is Real Culture?


Monday, 13th May 2013

What is Real Culture?

 What distinguishes a human being from billon of other creature that share the Earth with him not his ability to think or reason , but the opportunity God has given him to close the gap between himself and him through evolution

The first step he has to take in that direction is to imbibe culture. A formidable quantity of literature exists in ever language spoken on Earth  which describes what culture is . culture is what we need to acquire as we grow up  and mature from infancy to childhood to teenage to youth to middle age to old age, through observation acceptance , and absorption through discipline.

That is why during Brahmacharya Ashrama the period of learning, the brhmachari  is ordained to live a simple life , his wants reduced to bare essentials, his enter focus remaining on education . His mind thus focused on learning a lone, remains undisturbed and he lives a life of purity in the sanctified precincts of the “ashrama” of his Guru , and his mind blossoms in its ambience.

It is only when the teacher is entirely satisfied that his pupil has gained sufficient knowledge, expertise, and is capable and wise enough is he given permission to return to the society to be productive and contribution member. It is only at this stage he is qualified to marry. From this stage onwards he continues his pilgrimage of life with his wife, described as ‘dharma patni’ one who follows the path of ‘dharma along with him.

When he acquires a wife, it does not mean that someone comes to live with him who would serve him, meet his needs and bear his children . the sacred Mantras he has to chant during marriage rituals are profound in meaning. They are in effect, a sacred oath, taken with Agni, the God of Fire , as witness.

During the ‘samskara’ of Viovaha ‘ he seeks from his bride companionship , a mate , one who would share his joys and sorrows , someone who would always stand by him, encourage him, and be a source of comfort and solace. She would be of equal status , indeed. One entity in two bodies . in return, he promises to give her everything as much as he seeks from her or more, treat her as friend and a companion, one who is his equal.

To me , it is this promise which embodies real culture. Only those who treat their spouses as their equals and as companions and truly cover them with warmth , affection, love and adoration, throughout their life together, can be called person of real culture. Only when such a bond exists between a husband and wife , can culture radiate.

A person may be a great scholar. He might be a wealthy person. He might also be a very powerful person. He could be any of these and more. However, if that person doesn’t lvie up to the sacred oath he takes, when he takes the hand of a damsel in his own and asks her to be his wife, he is yet to acquire what true culture is.

Unity of Indian Culture

There are three outstanding features of India’s cultural and social life. First , its fundamental unity in the midst of the baffling diversity , second , its capacity to absorb and adjust; and third , its power to survive and consequent continuity. This is composite culture in the sense that, although in the ultimate analysis . it is Indian in origin, it has not hesitate to absorb whatever came in its way from other lands and others peoples in its long and chequered career. Thus in the languages. Religions , life, customs and traditions of the people , there has been a continuos flow and intake from outside. Whatever has come in its way has been absorbed and assimilated and ahs become apart and parcel of its own inheritance. If one dares peep into the future, one can say that the horoscope of this exquisite and composite culture is not yet exhausted, and it may , in the future as in the past, furnish in its own humble way, the technique and practical experience of binding in unbreakable but soft and silken cords of active love and tolerance (courtesy Better live)

Qoute from the True charm and power of Vedanta

Vednata means the latter portion of the Vedas. So before we can understand the Vedanta, we must know something of the former portion of the Vedas ie, the Vedas proper . The Vedas  were originally one. Sri Krishna, Dvaipayana, seeing the materialistic tendency and the mental inferiority of the people of the kali age. Divided the Vedas into four sections –Rik, Yaju, Sama and Atharva. The word Veda is from the root Vid, ‘to Know’  so Veda means science, for the word Science also is derived from ‘scio’ or I know’ The modern age glories in thinking that it is exceptionally scientific. Let us compare modern science with that science which goes by the name of the Veda. Modern science treats of the whole universe, and it has found out that indestructibility of matter. It has also taken up for consideration the human mind and the soul. But unfortunately its conclusions are not definite. Some plainly confess that it si not possible for them to know about the existence of the should, while some others doubt and still others ignore it. They have given us this idea of the universe, that it si guided on all sides by blind forces. An unconscious, dull metal universe is the picture we have of our environment. It is soulless , dead universe . this is the picture given b modern science.


But, if He exists?

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

Illustrated live Reviews.  The seventh Heaven moment of the week,  Zimbabew won by 7 wickets , CSK won by 77 run, Bangladesh won 168/7 in second t20 ,  in formula one lotus no 9 got a podium, in domestic football rantimartin no 9 got two goals, www.samratvision.com and get a Lucky7 charm email id


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