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Monday, January 7, 2013



Monday, 07 January 2013


It would be pertinent to recall the real meaning of ‘Education’ at a time when it has started losing its true meaning these days.

‘Education is a lifelong process. It may begin in schools and college but it does not end there . it is an incessant search for truth, knowledge, wisdom, experience and faith.  A real  student is he who goes  on assimilating knowledge, experience and wisdom throughout his life and goes on building up his life and character”-said Sri RamKrishna.

Teacher cannot give students character from the pages of books. Character building comes from their very lives. Students imbibe more  from teachers’ own lives then they do  from the books or lectures. Thus teachers must have good character.

“Many of the ailments of our present-day educational  systems and many of the maladies affecting students and teachers stem from the narrow educational objective. Viz. examinations and jobs. Of course, examinations can not be easily dispensed with and jobs and careers are essential for every student. But students and teachers should not be under the impression that education is merely a system of passing examination and securing jobs it is much more than that”.-said Swami Vijananada.

As Swami  Vivekanada  rightly said, “Education is a process of life building  man-making , character-building; assimilation of ideas.”

Education should therefore promote values, the spirit of patriotism and service, the will t do hard work, the feeling to uplift the poor and the downtrodden.

Swami Vijnanada’s advice to youth is very relevant here. “Accept not what makes you weak physically and mentally . if any food makes you weak, if any literature spoils your mind, if any company of people  wakens your mind. If any cinema make you weak mentally and physically , reject them as poison.

If you want to be good, it is in your hands, Nobody can make you good by force. Likewise , no body can make you bad against you will. If you are good, the credit goes to you. If you are bad, you yourself fare to be blamed . you are the creator of your destiny . Make your nerves strong . what we want is muscles of iron and nerves of steel. It is man making education all round that we want.

Fundamental rights

Fundamental rights are rights that are very necessary for the growth of on individuals’ personality. They are enjoyed by each citizen irrespective of caste, colour, creed, race or sex.

I meant the play

Miss Skinner starred in a revival of Bearnard Shaw’s Play. “Candida”. He sent her a cable. “ Magnificent! Greatest”. She was very happy and immediately cabled back; “Undeserving such praise “Shaw replied. “I meant the play” Miss Skinner was excited with anger and she retorted . “So did I”

Make a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is nothing but waste of time.

Quotes from the true Charm and power of Vedanta

Before science had sufficiently developed or become aggressive and self-assertive, religion was the mast of the field where science has now entered.  In the early days people in almost every land believed that devils caused diseases and persists cured them. In times of illness men would depend more in supernatural resources than on any earthly thing. But gradually the science of medicine began to develop. Nowadays most men will go to doctors rather than to the church fathers when taken ill. We say ‘most men’ because even now there are found person who believe in the efficacy of sorcery, stoicism, or incantation as a remedy against dieses and illness and physical suffering. There are some pseudo-religions schemes such as mind cure, though-cure,  Christian science, about which it is difficult to say whether they are religions or sciences. At best, they are the relies of the attitude which depended on supernatural remedies rather than on human intelligence and efforts. Of course there are bold and strong g persons even in the field of religion who strongly disapprove of turning spiritual power to secular ends. They will apply spiritual remedy for spiritual purposes, and secular means for achieving secular ends. Why pray to God (and disturb him!) for curing you illness when a simple dose of medicine can cure you ? No doubt these are the boldest and sanest amongst religious person. Many persons will succumb to human weakness when suffering for a long time or faced with a situation beyond the reach of human efforts. But the effect of this attitude on the stability of religion is not very happy. When a person in the twentieth century finds that his forefathers depends on priests for things when he himself can now easily cure, his faith in religion is rudely shaken.




But, if He exists?

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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