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Monday, April 30, 2012

Success Through Mastery of Words


Monday, 30-April 2012

Success Through Mastery of Words

How can you become a master of language, able to express your thoughts concisely, clearly and  with a power to impress others? The points that follow will help you get started on the right lines.

Sometimes people stand silent without any expression because they had not knowledge of the situation under discussion. For instance, if you happen to be totally ignorant of boats and selling, you will not be able to say anything substance if someone asks you what all the varous types of boats . in such circumstance, no amount of skill with words will help you.

The fact remains that to say anything worthwhile about some particular topic you need to know something about it. Therefore, the starting point for mastery of language and the skills of communication is knowledge . Knowledge comes with study and experience. Study brings  book knowledge, while experience brings knowledge of the job you do.

Effective use of language involves both speaking and writing . to improve in both speaking and writing you must follow good models and practise regularly. Let us look at the spoken word first.

Choosing good models for your spoken words is the easiest part of the task. Probably you know one or two people whose way of saying things you admire. Apart from your personal acquaintances, some of the people  who appear regularly on television may strike you as having this skill.

Set out to copy the style and manner of your chosen model. Note the kind of words they use, the shortness or length of their sentences or length of their sentences or length of their expressions.

Notice how they describe a thing logically pointing out its general details and then drawing attention to finder details. Try to imitate their ability to set out the various points one by one logically and orderly.

In studying your models, note the unusual words they use. You must build up a good vocabulary and develop the confidence to introduce into your own speech the new words you learn. Keep a good dictionary at hand and use it frequently.

Some mistakes, however are important, especially n the field of syntax as they can lead to misunderstanding.

For instance; do not confuse the words both and each. This is a common mistake For example, Jim and Jack were both riding bicycle’ can only mean a bicycle with two riders. Probably the speaker meant, ‘Jim and jack was each riding a bicycle.’

You may be gong for a job interview and you now that ‘Yes’ and No answers will not impress the interviewers. Rehearse for the occasion by imagining the interview. Ask yourself the kind of questions likely to come up.  Let your imagination tell you the exact words you will use . Hear yourself giving the right answers.

Written expression seems to present special difficulties to many people including some who are effective in speech.

Writing does involve attention to some points that do not arise in speech. Punctuation is one, for a misplaced comma can alter the sense of your words. A frequent error is to use a comma where a full stop is demanded.

You can easily learn the elements of correct punctuation and an hour or two spent with a suitable book will do the trick.

In writing we need to be consistently on the alert for the reader may apply a quite different meaning to your words from the one we intended That is why it is usually necessary to the written word more complete, more specific to try to get the full meaning into the words themselves instead of relying on the way we say them.

Keep your written communications short and simple. Avoid the common fault of introducing long, out or the ordinary words and phrases that people do not use in speech. Use the familiar, conversational phrase of word.

Spend as much time revising your work as you spend in first drafting it. What you first write can always be made shorter, clearer and more elegant. Cut out lengthy introductory paragraphs and avoid long, explanatory summing up at the end.  (courtesy ; “Phycologist Magazine)



Good sees the Heart

Once an untouchable sought entrance into a temple . the priest, however, refused it. In answer to the poor man’s requests, the holy man replied. “You are impure by birth first undergo penance for two years, and then come into my presence, then I shall consider your request. “The untouchable returned home sad, to do the holy man’s command.

As chance would have it, this very priest saw the untouchable some three years later passing by his temple quite unconcerned. The priest stopped him and inquired; “Hello, how is it that you di not come to my temple? Have you not yet performed the penance ? it is over two years now. ‘The poor devotee replied. “Yes , I carried out your orders and I thank you for your instructions. For , in fact the Lord blessed me with His vision, and warned me against entering your temple, for He said. He had not Himself visited it for ages.”

The vanity of the priest was crushed, his pride was humbled .God sees the heart, to Him appearances are immaterial.

Quote from The true charm and power of Vedanta

Purity has been the foundation of all truly great characters. If you build a house on the sand, it is sure to  tumble down; similarly, if we build one characters on anything but purity, they will not stand, impurity is a mixture; purity is one without  a second. Mixed thoughts are seeing many; pure thought is when you see only One. When you think of nay one’s evil side, , you yourself fake that evil; just as when yo unmeditated on a saint, you gain saintliness. What you think you become. when we realize how mush we lose by dwelling on the plane of evil, we grow watchful and hold the mind only on the plane of good and see in everything the . All-pervading God. If we wish to save ourselves , we shall have to struggle hard, we shall have to regain inch by inch what we have lost by dwelling on the evil in the world.

But, if He exists?

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

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