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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Monday, 2, April 2012 Who Heals The Creatures of Nature? It si generally believed that Nature is ruthless. If nay wild creature is sick or injured it is always left to die or is actually killed by its companions rather than become a liability to them. This is not strictly true. Many creatures act as their own doctors in an attempt to cure themselves It is known that a cat or dog will eat grass if its stomach is upset, but other animals also eat various leaves and greases for their medicinal value. They always pick special plants and avoid all others. This seems to suggest that animals have acquired a knowledge of the value of herbal treatment. An instance for this was observes some years ago. A man who caught a gibbon noticed that it had a swelling on its side which ran a long scar. Curious to see what was wrong the man had the animal operated upon. The swelling proved to be a large ball of masticated leaves from a plant known for it medicinal value. The ape had obviously been wounded and had gathered the leaves. Chewed them into a ball and stuffed them into its open wounds. A moorhen was once found with its leg bound with a kind of plaster cast at the knee join. The bone had been broken but had grown together again and was fully healed, but the cast of dried clay must have been put there by the bird. Itself. Woodcock birds are also seen dong the same thing, applying a splint of stiff grasses and clay to an injured limb. First-aid of another kind is seen in the ant world, where a worker with a broken leg will have it amputated by its fellows. Ants also isolated and tend sick members of their communities in special chambers in the nest. Black bears and other creatures coming out of hibernation in the spring are known to search for the eat certain berries and fruits which have a laxative effect. This is mainly to tone up their body systems after along sleep Deer prefer lime –filled water when growing new ant tiers so that these will grow quickly, while pregnant deer will earth only certain kinds of food until their young are born. Likewise many other creatures will search for certain leaves and roots when they are sick. Animals with bleeding wounds have been known to place spider s webs on them. These have styptic properties which constrict the blood vessels and reduce bleeding. And the tiny and unpleasant maggots which crawl in their hundreds inside the naked wound of some animals are never disturbed by the creature itself. Laid by mayflies , these maggot actually destroy dangerous bacteria in the wound and assist natural healing. But not only ape there animals who act as their own doctors on occasion, some also perform as dentists. apes sometimes act as skilled dentist of there own and each other’s teeth, it had been observed by a naturalist once that an Orang-=outang performed such a feat of self treatment when it had a gumboil in its mouth. It took damp clay and applied it as a poultice on its face, a fe2w days later pulled out a rotten tooth. In fact, American scientist have observed that Chimpanzees practise more skilled dentistry –inspecting. Cleaning, and even extracting teeth. Such scabietic research, involving groups of animal in a seasonable wild state will live us a greater insight into fascinating and valuable aspect of animal behaviour. . Be not afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. Codes and Ciphers Codes and ciphers are set of characters of signals , with prearrange meanings as letters or numbers, used for secrecy and brevity in transmitting messages, especially in wartime. Quote from The true charm and power of Vedanta “Having well ascertained the object of the knowledge of the Vedanta, having purified their nature by the Yoga of renunciation, all anchorites, enjoying the highest immortality , become free at the time of the great end [death] in the worlds of Brahma” – Mundaka Upanishad “The first results of Yoga they call lightness, healthiness, steadiness, a good complexion, an easy pronunciation, a sweet odor, and slight execration. “ “As a metal disk [mirror] tarnished by dust shines bright again after it has been cleaned, so is the one incarnate person satisfied and free from grief after he has been the real nature of the Self.” “and when, by means of the real nature of his Self, he sees, as by a lamp, the real nature of Brahman, then , having known the Unborn, Eternal God, who is beyond all natures, he is freed from all fetters.” “let us know that highest great Lord of Lords, the highest Deity of deities, the master of masters, the highest above as God, the Lord of the World, the Adorable.” Svetasvatara –Upanishad. But, if He exists? I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m. Illustrated live Reviews. 7thHEAVEN MOMENT Of d week SBK carlos checkasno7 Double podium, New castle no 9 two goals, Tottenham 10 goals, W. Indies win 160/10 to Aus,146/10 www.samratvision.com and get a Lucky7 charm email id

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