Monday 15–August- 2011
Four Kinds of Silence
Silence is of four kinds; Silence of speech, Silence of the eye, Silence of the ear, and silence of the mind. Only the last is pure silence and is the most important. The commentary of silence is the best commentary as illustrated in Lord Dhakshinamurti. Only silence is the Eternal Speech, the One Word, the Heart-to-Heart talk.
Silence is like the even flow of electric current. Speech is like obstruction the current for lighting and other purposes. However much a jnani might talk, he is still the silent one. However much he might work, he is still the Quiet one. His voice is the incorporeal, voice. His walk is not on the earth. It is like measuring the sky with the sky.
Man and Money
Money is essential for all. It is a must for existence. One has to toil and labour to get it.
Man without money is like a flower without honey. While there is value for money , one has to stick to certain principles in dealing with money matters . Of course life becomes miserable without money and one cannot lead a comfortable life without sufficient money. But one should not live only to earn money. One should not give too much importance for money in one’s life . one has to set some principles an guidelines to be followed in one’s life.
As per Swami Chinmayananada, “We live in a wonderful universe in which everyone and everything give. The trees give, the rivers give, the earth gives, the Sun, the Moon, the stars give. Why then must we be anxious only to take to amass, to gather and to hoard?”
Money makes many things. Money can save a man. Money can kill a man. Is money responsible for either? No. it is the man! Money cannot be the goal of our live; never. Money teaches man great lessons, but silently. When money is gained, he learns something. When money is lost he learns something. When money is present he learns something. When money is donated, he learns something. What he learns is more valuable than money itself.
What is money? As per Shri Swami Prushottamananda of Sri Ramakrishna Ashram, money has different meanings for different people:
There are men who are studious and industrious, for them time is money. There are men who are civilized and cultured; for them self-respect is money. There are men who are courageous and adventurous, for them self-confidence is money. There are spiritual aspirations and discipline is money. There are men who are selfish and sensual; for them money alone is money!”
Money can bring prosperity money can bring adversity. Money is neither good nor bad. Its goodness and badness lies in how one uses it.
“Some are corrupt with regard to money. Some are corrupt with regard to women. Some are corrupt with regard to power. Corruption does not lie in money , women or power. It is in the mind. Educate the mind and eradicate corruption” said Swami Purushottmananda.
One must not be proud of one’s money. if you say that you are right, then one can remind you that there are richer man than you and others ranchers still and so on.
If a person hoards more money, he will get into a number of problems. If a person develops lust for earning more money , he loses his peace of mind, he will not get sleep, he will forget all human values. It is like drinking salt water. The more you drink the more you feel thirst to drink.
A person who has a lust for money does not care for any moral and ethical values. He is ready to do anything and everything for money. Is there any value and meaning for such life? What is the difference between man and animal. God has given thinking capacity to human being to differentiate what is good and what is a bad. If he unable to distinguish between these two he is worse than the animal.
Wise Man fills Himself with Good
Think not lightly of good saying. “It will not come to me. “Drop by drop is the water pot filled, Like wise, the wise man. Gathering it little by little , fills himself with good- Dharmapada.
“How did you get that black eye, Mrs. Shobha?”
“Well sir , my husband came out of prison on his birthday”
An I wished him many happy returns”
Putting the watches to the ears
Two priests, known for their longwinded sermons, were having a chat. One said. “ It looks very bad when people start looking at their watches in the midst of the sermon. “the other said, “That is tolerable ; worse is when the listeners start putting their watches to the ear to check whether the watches have not stopped.”
The Universe
True universe, both inner and outer, has been the subject of modern science and philosophy , Chemistry, physics, zoology, botany , geology and astronomy treat more or less of the outer universe, Chemistry wants to find out the elements whose innumerable combinations have brought into existence the countless objects that makeup the universe , while physics tries find those law’s that regulate it. Zoology treats of the animal kingdom, while botany deals with the vegetable kingdom. Geology tires to find out the inner formation and nature of our earth, whereas astronomy , in right earnest, seeks to know all about the heavenly bodies. Their relative distances, the period of their revolving motions and so on. In fact it want to know all about the universe. Physiology enters inside our physical self. There it finds how foodstuff is transformed into blood, how the latter is made to circulate al over the body by the contraction and expansion of the heart, how in the course of its circulation it meets the wants and excretes the waste of all the tissues and organs of our body. Psychology in turn treats of our finer self, the mind, And philosophy finally dives still deeper and wants to know something about our souls and their relation to the universe.
So science is struggling hard to unravel the mystery of creation; let us see with what success. It has proved beyond all doubts the indestructibility of matter. It has analyses the human mind and believes in the unexpended immaterial nature of our souls. As regards a creator, it is either skeptic or agnostic. So far as this aspect of its researches is concerned, the result is not at all satisfactory. But in course of time it may be expected to define more clearly its ideas respecting mind, soul and God.
Gems of Thought
The greatest test of courage on the earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.
To make no mistakes is not in the power of many . but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn the wisdom for the future.
The time for extracting a lesson from history is ever at hand for them, who are wise.
He has not learned the lesson of the life who does not everyday surmount a fear.
Friendship is forgetting what one gives, remembering what one receives.
Unknown steadfast citizen
Surely the hero whose name is splashed in headlines for some singular spectacular deed of velour is no more a patriot than the unknown, steadfast citizen who year after year quietly and unselfishly benefits his nation.
Quote from the Essence of The Gita
You have been mourning for those who should not be mourned for. Yet you speak words of wisdom!
“You speak like a scholar or like someone who has attained supreme knowledge but you are mourning over your kith and kin. A truly wise person does not mourn even when the body-one’s own or someone else’s is being destroyed. Your words and actions are not in harmony. “ Sri, Ramakrishna also used to tell us, “Make your thoughts and speech one”. Who can stop our progress once our thoughts and speech become identical? Such is the power of this single practice that whatever we need will come of itself.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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