Monday 8–August- 2011
Best ‘Ship’ On The Earth
Could you guess a ship that provides people with a place to stay without any restriction, yet assures a safe voyage in the troubled waters of the seas? And, larger the strength of passengers. Higher is the sea-worthiness of the ship . That ship is called Friendship.
Great men have spoken a lot about friendship. Here are some of their comments.
Who is a friend?
“A friend is need a friend indeed”.
“One who forget what he gives and remembers what he receives.”
How to make friends?
“Friendship is not a thing just happens; it is to be created and nurtured.”
“Like any other skill, building friendship has to be practiced.”
“When you forget about getting as much as you give, you will make more friends.
“Be friendly to others and friends will soon flock around you.”
How to maintain friendship
“Friendship is like money easier made than kept”
“If you want it keep your friends, you should not give them advice unwanted”.
Just as you feel happy to help a friend, give him a chance to help you.”
What is strength of friendship?
“No man is useless while he has a friend.”.
“A friend is a single soul dwelling in two bodes.”
“Friendship makes prosperity brighter while it lightens adversity by sharing its grief and anxieties”.
“A brother may not be a friend but a friend will always be a brother.”.
“Friendship is like sound health, the value of its is not known until it is lost.”
But beware!
“A friend is power is a friend lost”.
“A fiends to everybody is a friend to nobody”.
“The loss of a friend is like the loss of limb , time may heal the wound, but the loss cannot be set right”.
“Friendship is like chinaware, once broken it cannot be mended and if at all mended , the scar will be there.”
And mind you…
“A friend is a present you give yourself”.
If your hands cannot be employed usefully
In the pocket- book of the Hon. Stephen Allen, who was drowned, when the “Henry Clay” was buried on the Hudson, was found a printed slip of which the following is a copy. It is worthwhile to be engraved on every young man’s heart-
Make few promises
Always speak the truth.
Live up to your engagements.
Drink no kind of intoxicating liquors.
Keep your own secrets if you have any.
Do not marry until you are able to support a wife.
When you speak to a person, look at him in the face.
Ever live within your income.
Small and steady gains give competency with tranquil mind.
Your character cannot be injured, except by your own acts.
When you retire to bed, think over what you have been doing during the day.
Never speak evil of anyone.
Keep good company or none.
Never play a game of chance.
Good character is above all things else.
Keep yourself innocent if you would be happy.
Make no haste to be rich, if you would prosper.
Save when you are young to spend when you are old
Never run into dept unless you see a way to get out again.
Good company and Good conversation are the sinews of virtue .
If anyone speaks evil of you , let your life be such that no one will believe him.
Do not be idle; if your hands can not be employed usefully , attend to the cultivation of your mind.
The greatest remedy of anger is delay
What a friend. It is a person with whom you dare to be yourself.
The only way to speak the truth is to speak lovingly.
Wife: Darling , mother says she nearly died laughing over those stories you told her.
Husband; Is that so! Where is she? I will tell her some more funnier stories.
A cheque
“At last,” said the writer of poems, “I have written something that will be accepted by any magazine . “What is it?” asked his friend, “A cheque for a years subscription, “was the reply
Deft Definitions
CLASSIC: Something that everybody want to have read and nobody wants to read.
POETRY: Something not worth saying in the common language.
MORALS; Consideration which the poor cannot afford and the rich do not.
PESSIMIST: A person with a grouse that he was born himself and not someone else.
EXPERT: One who knows more and more about less and less.
Quote from the Essence of The Gita
Those who are affected by a serious illness or difficulty or those who are totally helpless , surrender themselves to God with great intensity. This is called the devotion of the distressed.
Enquirer-devotees are those who have the following characteristics; their mind is assailed by various doubts. They are particularly eager to know whether this world has any creator and who is responsible for the constant changes occurring every-where in this world; they no longer enjoy material comforts and sense pleasures; no sooner do they see a holy or illumined person than they runs at to him or her and seek answers to their questions; they mediate in solitude in order to understand higher truths.
The third types of devotee is the enjoyment seeker. These are people who worship God when their mind are full of some desire but have no power in them to fulfill that desire.
The fourth type is the seeker of knowledge. This devotee is the greater of them all. Sri Krishna says.
Among them, the seekers of knowledge excel due to their constant steadfastness and devotion to the One. The them I am supremely dear and they are dear to Me. (7.17)
Their minds are always united with God. Such seeker of knowledge with their one-pointed devotions are the greatest devotees. Their minds have transcended desire, greed, and love for sensual and material pleasures. That is why the adjective “devoted to the One” (eka-bhakti) is used to describe them. Their single-minded devotion flows ceaselessly, like a river, toward the lotus feet of God. Its special characteristic is beautifully illustrated in the Devi Gita. The stream of one-pointed devotion. Like oil poured from one vessel into another , never steps or wavers even when hit by the wind of worldliness, it continues to flow without any break.
About the characteristic of the illumined person, Sri Krishna says in the Gita;
The great soul who has realized that everything is permeated by God has attained knowledge; Such people are very rare(7.19)
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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